I named 47 HTML elements in 5 minutes. Damn. I missed 44.[...] → Read more
Archive for the "Code" Tag
If you have shell access to your webserver, upgrading to the latest WordPress build can be a matter of painless seconds. As usual there is more than one way to do it, and here is one of these ways — the script I am using. < View plain text > code #!/bin/bash CURDIR=$(pwd) SITE="http://yoursite.com/blog" echo […][...] → Read more
Yet another minor update for Who Sees Ads which was requested by people using popularish and conflicting plugins: ImageManager and WP-Contact-Form. Current version of Who Sees Ads, 1.2.2, adds support for WP-Contact-Form's terrible code. I hate to say this and I mean no offense to Ryan who wrote the plugin, but the code is really […][...] → Read more
Hot from the press: I got 4th spot (also known as "Consolation Prize":) at the WordPress Plugin Competition, with my (uberleet) plugin Who Sees Ads (also known as "The Ultimate Ad Management Plugin"). I'm pretty happy about it, especially given how my plugin is not geared toward the majority of WP users: most are not […][...] → Read more
Something I learnt today: "Be conservative in what you do; be liberal in what you accept from others", which is the Robustness Principle, also known as Postel's Law. So true.[...] → Read more
Have you ever "ls -l" a file or directory, watch its "-r-x–s-wT" symbolic notation and ask to yourself: "what the hell is that chmod ?". This was the case for me several times today, so before I spent 1 minute on thinking about the notation, I decided to spent 5 minutes on a quick Perl […][...] → Read more
I was having a few reading problems on a server I've recently got my hands on: the locale is set to something like French UTF8, but Putty was displaying annoying é and stuff instead of accented characters. I was expecting the solution to be something linuxish like read boring man pages till I finally decide […][...] → Read more
This contact form uses a clock captcha, I thought it was a rather fun idea, and anyway a lot less annoying than those barely readable random strings so many sites use. Source code for this clock captcha can be found here (in German, but the PHP code is clean and easily understandable:)[...] → Read more
Every time I check my referrers, I cannot help but notice all those utterly futile referrer spams from various order-your-pills-online sites. And each time I start thinking about various method to block them all (then I never implement these methods because I mostly don't care about refer spam :) I checked a couple hundreds of […][...] → Read more
I've been using CSSTidy lately, and I like it a lot. This is a pretty cool software that optimizes CSS files so that they are smaller and cleaner. It comes with a bunch of options and is available in Linux, OSX and Windows flavors. I'm running Windows on my test computer, and I made a […][...] → Read more