In: , ,
On: 2009 / 04 / 14
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OK, let's step down a bit from Twitter for a while. This is a much overdue update to the übercòól Admin Drop Down Menu. Aside from minor tweaks related to the upcoming WordPress 2.8, more languages than ever (German being the latest addition), the plugin is now fully RTL friendly (hence the so witty post title)


I'm warmly thanking a few helpers for their feedback regarding the right-to-left locales: Sudar Muthu, Narayanan Hariharan, Mena Hanna and Amiad. I must admit I almost lost my sanity when working on this update: boy, reading seeing LTR English mixed with RTL Hebrew was confusing.

So, either you're planning on upgrading to WP 2.8 when it's available, or you're using a funky locale reading cute characters from right to left, upgrade to version 3.2 now!

Ho, by the way: the plugin is nearing 100,000 downloads on the plugin repository, and is currently listed as the #1 highest rated plugin of all times in the whole universe. Thanks a million to all of you, users!

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This entry "Admin Drop Down Menu: Now Fully uneM nwoD porD nimdA" was posted on 14/04/2009 at 10:22 pm and is tagged with , ,
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4 Blablas

  1. Clever title Ozh ;). I wonder if the Googlebot will ever figure out what you are talking about.

  2. Yair says:

    I missed the top menu as it was years ago at WordPress 2.6
    I was waiting for something like this since upgraded to WordPress 2.6
    I hated the side menu
    In fact, I admire your plugin!!!
    i donated you

  3. Yair says:

    i use WP in Hebrew but i didnt see it in RTL direction
    how can i fix it?

  4. Yair says:

    i changed the left\right in "ozh-admin-drop-down-menu/inc/adminmenu.css.php" file in the lines:
    $dir = ( isset( $_GET['d'] ) && $_GET['d'] == 'right' ) ? 'left' : 'right' ; // text direction

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