In: ,
On: 2007 / 06 / 16
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I came across this little rant about people not writing "WordPress" as it should be (one word, capitalized W and P). While a part of me thought "damn it, who cares", another part was slightly amused.

So, this morning, I decided that I would take care of those obsessed people with a simple plugin, and I literally wrote Correctly Spell WordPress while brushing my teeth.

Get it, you know it's high time your blog makes one step further on the road to perfection :)

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This entry "Correctly Spelling WordPress" was posted on 16/06/2007 at 2:52 pm and is tagged with ,
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4 Blablas

  1. evitc says:

    I have already added it to my! Thank you, Ozh!

  2. […] Correctly Spelling WordPress Ozh老大的新插件, 可以保证拼写WordPress单词为正确形式. (tags: Ozh WordPress plugins) […]

  3. That's pretty funny. They should include that in the next version so everyone can spell WordPress correctly.

  4. Nyssa says:

    As funny as it is, I am the same. When I see WordPress or Word Press or something alike, it gets on my nerves… though I probably do the same thing occassionally. :)

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