Welcome to the third version of my site !
The alpha version of my personnal site was an uberugly page on Compuserve in 1995, with enough animated gifs and background to overload my 33.6k connection :) Version 1 was a regular static html site, which you still can visit from the link above. Version 2 didn't really existed but was splitted in various places : code pieces were on a static page, then using Thought Bucket, and my rants and articles were written on a French Quake Community site I run.
This site now uses WordPress, an excellent "blogware" in my opinion. Well. Of course. Wouldn't be using it if I thought it sucked. As of today, the blog / news / main page, whatever you call it, is functionnal, but I still have to set up other pages.
I plan to store here mainly pieces of code I don't want to forget, maybe a few thoughts from time to time, most probably written in French, perhaps a few pictures. But primarily scripts. And don't expect everything to be both in French and English :)
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Weclome to my web siet !
first !
Omg, le site is all in anglishe. It suces, frainche is better mieux.
The code is en angliche. It is international ze code. My pensée and article par contre, they are in frenche. It is not international my pensées :)
Ozh el megalomane :)
I am not comprenning pouic to what you are parlering from about
Bien joué Ozh ! Ca fait plaisir de voir un site qui respecte les standards !
Par contre, juste une petite suggestion :
Tu devrais placer une / des balises
dans le head.
Sous IE ça ne sert pas à grand'chose, mais sous Mozilla, on a alors une petite icône en bas à gauche qui permet de switcher entre les différentes feuilles de style, ça va plus vite que de passer par le système du site ;)
ex : http://www.quakexpert.com/beone/phpalm/
Sur ce, bonne continuation et bonne chance au blog !
Oups bétise … quel boulay !
ladite balise c'est :
désolé :$
Roh, mais tu n'utilises pas striptags ?
link rel="alternate stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" media="screen" title="Thème Orange" /
décidément …
hummm… Soit j'ai rien compris de ce que tu me dis, soit t'as mal vu et tout ça y est déjà :) Dans Firefox par exemple j'ai le petit bazar pour switcher les styles.
Désolé, ça y est, mais pas sous http://www.planetozh.com .
D'où mon erreur, encore pardon !
ho mais y'a pas de mal :)
Just testing your smart bilingual javascript!
I think I'll be installing it later on tonight ;)