In: , , , ,
On: 2004 / 05 / 02
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Welcome to the third version of my site !

The alpha version of my personnal site was an uberugly page on Compuserve in 1995, with enough animated gifs and background to overload my 33.6k connection :) Version 1 was a regular static html site, which you still can visit from the link above. Version 2 didn't really existed but was splitted in various places : code pieces were on a static page, then using Thought Bucket, and my rants and articles were written on a French Quake Community site I run.

This site now uses WordPress, an excellent "blogware" in my opinion. Well. Of course. Wouldn't be using it if I thought it sucked. As of today, the blog / news / main page, whatever you call it, is functionnal, but I still have to set up other pages.

I plan to store here mainly pieces of code I don't want to forget, maybe a few thoughts from time to time, most probably written in French, perhaps a few pictures. But primarily scripts. And don't expect everything to be both in French and English :)

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This entry "planetOzh v3.00" was posted on 02/05/2004 at 2:12 pm and is tagged with , , , ,
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13 Blablas

  1. Ozh says:

    Weclome to my web siet !

  2. arma says:

    Omg, le site is all in anglishe. It suces, frainche is better mieux.

  3. Ozh says:

    The code is en angliche. It is international ze code. My pensée and article par contre, they are in frenche. It is not international my pensées :)

  4. Waldar says:

    Ozh el megalomane :)

  5. kapiter says:

    I am not comprenning pouic to what you are parlering from about

  6. RaiL-FleX says:

    Bien joué Ozh ! Ca fait plaisir de voir un site qui respecte les standards !

    Par contre, juste une petite suggestion :
    Tu devrais placer une / des balises

    dans le head.
    Sous IE ça ne sert pas à grand'chose, mais sous Mozilla, on a alors une petite icône en bas à gauche qui permet de switcher entre les différentes feuilles de style, ça va plus vite que de passer par le système du site ;)

    ex :

    Sur ce, bonne continuation et bonne chance au blog !

  7. RaiL-FleX says:

    Oups bétise … quel boulay !
    ladite balise c'est :

    désolé :$

  8. RaiL-FleX says:

    Roh, mais tu n'utilises pas striptags ?

    link rel="alternate stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" media="screen" title="Thème Orange" /

    décidément …

  9. Ozh says:

    hummm… Soit j'ai rien compris de ce que tu me dis, soit t'as mal vu et tout ça y est déjà :) Dans Firefox par exemple j'ai le petit bazar pour switcher les styles.

  10. RaiL-FleX says:

    Désolé, ça y est, mais pas sous .
    D'où mon erreur, encore pardon !

  11. Ozh says:

    ho mais y'a pas de mal :)

  12. Gnam says:


    Just testing your smart bilingual javascript!

    I think I'll be installing it later on tonight ;)

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