I'm still playing a bit with my new layout.
I've added a css-javascript-cookie-based (thus, client side) solution for my bilingual needs. Errr. Wishes. Whatever. So, where available, you can display things in English flavor or in French taste (including potential mistakes since I'm not as fluent as I should after 13 years of english classes:)
Also, if you know a bit of French culture and its old cars, I hope you will enjoy my 404 not found page. G'night.
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Et c'est alors, que par une chouette journée de printemps, je passai tranquillement ramasser un premier post bien à l'abri de la horde rôdant sur frefrafacdotnet.
A moi le first !
Hi! I just wandered by to say I like your bilingual hing :-)
But how would your commenters leave bilingual comments if they so wished?
Not that I wish, I've forgotten all my french…well I can read it I think…
Hmm, actually I hadn't think about this, since I consider this website more like something from me to readers than the other way round :)
But it may work, let me test (dont know what WP is going to make to my tags)
No, it doesnt work, as expected WP removes the >div> tags. After 1.2 is out and I start some serious hacking in it, I may add a custom code for comments (something like [fr]blabla[/fr] and [en]yadda[/en]) that will be correctly processed.
Thanks for the idea anyway :)
no problem! :-)
maybe you can um, just set <div> as one of the allowed tags in the comments and then it might work?
i dream of a stable 1.2!
btw, i love the blue!!!