In: , , ,
On: 2003 / 07 / 18
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This is the perl version of my "famous" KIKOO Script for mIRC. Written for a psybnc bouncer, you can adapt it for XChat (see the kikoo script).

  1. #!/usr/bin/perl
  2. $nick = uc join(' ', @ARGV);
  3. $front = int(rand(13))+1;
  4. $back = int(rand(13))+1;
  5. while($back == $front) {
  6.         $back = int(rand(13))+1;
  7. }
  8. $xclam = int(rand(11))+2;
  9. $oo = int(rand(11))+2;
  10. $par = int(rand(11))+2;
  12. $output = "\002\003" . "$front,$back" . " KIKOO" . "O" x $oo . " $nick " . "!" x $xclam . " :o" . ")" x $par ." ";
  13. print "PRIVMSG &&partyline :$output\n";

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This entry "KIKOO script, perl version" was posted on 18/07/2003 at 1:51 pm and is tagged with , , ,
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2 Blablas

  1. Kikoo script pour xchat

    Merci à Ozh pour son Kikoo script. Je viens de l'adapter pour xchat

    # script original par Ozh
    # Adapté pour xchat par Yoda-BZH

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