Archive for the "Shorties" Tag

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Posted On: 2010 / 02 / 19

In case you haven't noticed, and chances are you didn't notice because actually I didn't really mention it anywhere, updates from Planet WordPress are also on Twitter: @planetwp. Follow![...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2009 / 09 / 03

A while ago, I mentioned a one-file WP installer, that has since gone missing. Today I just came across something similar, except better: WordPress QI (Quick Installer), from WP god dd32 who is responsible for most if not all of the WP-Filesystem class that's currently in WordPress and that powers the core/plugin/theme installer/upgrader. I predict […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2009 / 05 / 14

Something to watch: EasyWP is a one-file script that downloads and unzips latest WordPress build on your web server (so the average Joe doesn't have to download the archive, unzip on his computer, and then upload everything). The file is rather immature at the moment (using only fopen(), needing Zip PHP extension, these things) but […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2009 / 04 / 20

In case you'd like to know more about me, there's a pretty good interview of me over at Single Function. I say "pretty good" because I like how interviews there are done, mixing up personal aspects with more focused and technical ones. Go read![...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2009 / 04 / 04

TIBAO: a set of super cute flash games, featuring a super cute black little boy exploring the savanna. Recommended for those who have kids who want to play on the computer.[...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2009 / 03 / 20

Sumo Paint. Holy beep, it's almost an online Photoshop clone![...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2009 / 02 / 25

LastFM Love Tweet: tweets every track you "love" on so you can share it with with your followers. Neat![...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2009 / 01 / 15

CSS trick: scrolling background image. Simple CSS technique that can be pushed to pure leetness (scroll this page all the way down). Love it.[...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2009 / 01 / 05

Found today via del/pop: Twitdom, an online catalog (listing Twitter apps), using only WordPress and a few plugins. On the same topic, don't miss Wingee and Free Shipping which are quite impressive.[...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2009 / 01 / 05

The almighty DD32, who is responsible for a number of WordPress features including the plugin updater and installer, has put up a quick documentation of the WordPress Plugin information API (used to fetch informations from the official plugin repository). WordPress hackers: bookmark it. (And, ho, by the way: happy new year everybody:)[...] → Read more