This is pure awesomeness. Instant.js is an 8.5 kb javascript file (uncompressed, you can shrink it down to around 5 kb) which adds on the fly a "Polaroid Effect" to your pictures (white frame, light curl and a drop shadow). What I like about this is the unobstrusiveness (?) and the fact it does not […][...] → Read more
Archive for the "Javascript" Tag
Today I felt like tidying a bit Planet WordPress, an unofficial aggregation of feeds about WordPress I've been maintaining for about 2 years now. The thing was fetching about 80 feeds, of which about a half were… dead, missing in action, or just inactive. It quickly appeared to me than manually reviewing 80 feeds would […][...] → Read more
Impressive : add a single javascript line from JS-Kit and you get a full comment system without any other coding or server side stuff needed. There are even several options and settings, and the whole comment engine is Akismet enabled to make sure you get no spam. I'm not sure how convenient and easy things […][...] → Read more
Situation : You want to insert some simple content into a DOM element. Since you happen to be a javascript n00b like me who always forget how to do it, and you don't want to use a 60 kb prototype.js for your 10 javascript lines project, you thought it would be useful to write down […][...] → Read more
Logahead is a new CMS (blogware, blog script, whatever you call it) that claims to make extensive use of Ajax and every other mandatory things to keep up with the trends (RSS, tags, scriptaculous drap and drop stuff everywhere). Don't know about the software itself, but the features page has an interesting layout where you […][...] → Read more
Neat and tiny.[...] → Read more
Favelet to write a new mail with Gmail from a webpage content[...] → Read more
CSS + Javascript = CSS3's multi columns[...] → Read more
Having some fun with hidden javascript[...] → Read more
Image that resizes itself smartly[...] → Read more