Better Feed is a plugin for WordPress that allows you to enhance your feeds with several highly customizable features.
Using a convenient interface with real time preview, Better Feed will allow you to add anything below each entry in your RSS feed. It also brings back the ability to split your feed with "Read More" links, just like your blog posts.
- Add "Read more" links
On your site, you can split post on two parts, teaser and body, using the tag <!–more–>. Why not have a "Read more" link as well in your feed, for longer posts, or when you want to tease and keep the surprise off the feed ?
(By the way, while I'm at it : "summary" feeds truncated after 40 words just suck big time. Read more) - Add a copyright notice
Concerned with content stealers reproducing your posts automatically somewhere without giving you credit ? Why not add something like "© Joe – 2005" and a link to some neat Creative Commons License ? - Add the number of comments
When you find an interesting post via your feed reader, you often have to check the website for new comments, or to subscribe to the comment feed. Why not add, at the end of every RSS item, something like "13 comments", just like in your blog frontpage ? - Add a "Add to" link
Let your readers bookmark your entries right from within their RSS reader - Add a link for incoming links in Technorati or Google
Why not add a handy link to quickly check who's linking to your post ? - Add anything
There's so many stuff you could think of that I just can't list them all :)
Extract and upload to your blog, preserving directory structure if any.
Note: download counter here and stats on may differ and reflect the number of downloads before this plugin was hosted on the plugin directory
Once you're done installing it, head to "Settings" and then "Better Feed". Everything is configured and tested from there.
Please note
A few things you might not get on first run that will save me some support:
- If you include the number of comments in each feed item, be warned that some feed readers will display an item as "New" every time someone comments on it. It's normal, and it is how I intented it to behave so following conversation is easier than ever.
- If you're using Feedburner, your feed won't immediately show changes after you've activated the plugin. To do so, go to your Feedburner Dashboard → Troubleshootize → Synchronize.
- You won't notice any change if you're viewing your feed with your regular browser. Use a feed reader, or this simple service I set up especially for you: RSS 2 HTML
This plugin is released under the terms of the BAI & SMYF License. BAI means "Blog About It". Like the plugin? Let your readers know! SMYF stands for "Show Me Your Feed", so if you happen to use my plugin, just tell me so I can see what you've done (and maybe subscribe to your feed if it's cool !)
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[…] Ozh' Better Feed - ??????feed???? […]
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First of all, thank you for the wonderful plugin :] It's such a fantastic idea. I personally really appreciate all the time and work you put into it to make our lives with WordPress' feed so much better :D
I'm sorry to bother you with yet another comment from a novice PHP-er person, but I've been struggling and struggling with something for the longest time and I just can't get it working.
I have WordPress set up to include a little thumbnail with each post using custom fields. I was wondering, how exactly would I go about adjusting the coding of your plugin or my RSS template to show the thumbnails as well? I did have a look through the rest of the comments for those that had a similar question but I was unable to follow the instructions as I'm a bit of an idiot. :[ I was wondering if you'd be able to help me at all?
Terribly sorry for the bother, and thank you very much!
Gene: really depends on your thumbnail plugin, which is probably coded not to show the thumb on RSS. My plugin just adds content after items in feed, if the pic is not in the feed item without Better Feed, then it won't add it.
[…] Ozh’ Better Feed -??WordPress??????????????????RSS Feed????????????????????????Ozh?WordPress?? […]
[…] Ozh' Better Feed – ?????????feed?????????????feed??????????????????????? […]
[…] Have RSS Plugins By carlile92 | Apr 22, 2009 Better Feed: Better feed is a plugin for WordPress that allows you to decorate your feeds with several customizable […]
Thanks for a very nice plugin.
Is there anyway to suppress the comments line (icon and text) in the RSS feed?
Short but good description (I like it so) and very useful plugIn. Thanks for sharing it :-)
This plugin is absolutely the tops, of all the ones I tried for setting up a pleasant-to-get kind of rss feed. The one thing that bugs me, though, is that I've got excerpts set up in WP and have real trouble remembering to do a "more" in posts (because nothing in my theme requires that, using excerpts everywhere). So half the time I slip up and send out the entire post instead of just the top paragraph or so, ugh. (Even with the delay I added, because I can be forgetful.)
But if I set up WP to just send out a summary, then it only sends the excerpt, and just skips your plugin altogether, which does no good. Is there any way to get the two to work together, so the part above "read more" (in the feed) is the excerpt instead? Any ideas?
[…] 85?Better Feed???Feed??? […]
[…] verwende das Plugin "Better Feed", um zusätzlichen Text in meinen RSS-Feed zu […]
[…] Ozh' Better Feed … fügt den eigenen RSS-Feeds mehr Funktionen hinzu […]
I'm hoping to use this plugin, but when I try to configure it on WP 2.7.1 I end up with the errors shown in this image: screenshot
Looking at the source of the page, it appears that the tokens are being handled, but something about the shortcuts is broken. I noticed that it's using quicktags.js by Alex King, is it possible that there's some conflict with the Carrington Blog 2.0 theme (also by Alex King)? I tried switching themes, but had the same problem.
Looking at the Generated Source using the FireFox Web Developer toolbar (View Source/Generated Source), the actual button command looks pretty much like the preceding ones except that the value= and title= of ozh_bf_36 and higher have code instead of whatever they were supposed to be looking up (from the shortcuts?).
Plugins that I have installed are:
Advertising Manager 3.3.16
Akismet 2.2.3
All in One SEO Pack 1.4.91
Blog Copyright (by BTE) 1.5
Contact Form 7
Feedburner Feedsmith 2.3.1
Google Analytics 2.9.1
Google XML Sitemaps 3.1.2
No Self Pings 0.2
Redirection 2.1.14
Slimbox 1.0.0 (jquery version)
Subscribe to Comments 2.1.2 Stats 1.4
Wordpress Database Backup 2.2.2
Wordpress Mobile Pack 1.0.8223
WP-UnitPNGfix 0.2.1
WP Security Scan 2.4
WP Super Cache
This is a pretty much brand-new setup – installed May 9 & fiddled with a bit since then.
Alan Miller » Deactivate other plugins, reactivate one by one, you'll find the culprit that messes up with pages it's not supposed to.
Appears to be a conflict with Advertising Manager; I've submitted a bug for them.
The developer of Advertising Manager did some digging on it and tracked it down to this line: wp_enqueue_script('prototype');
He modified Advertising Manager to only pull in the scripts that he needed on its admin page (and presumably the pages displaying the widgets it creates). He's expecting to have an updated release out soon, so I suspect the issues with Advertising Manager are done and it's safe to use (and maintained! recommended!) along with Better Feed.
That said, it might be worth checking on what in Better Feed is having problems with prototype – you may well see folks running into this again. Looking at it from outside and with no significant Javascript coding experience, my immediate thought was that something was using a global tokens array that you then took over when you initialized it with the button strings. After that, when your code looped through to create the buttons it was creating your buttons plus more for the remaining items in the original array.
If that's the case, particularly if it's conflicting with an internal value in a widely-used library, it might make sense to change the variable names you're using to throw something like bf_ onto the beginning of them – you already do that for a significant chunk.
Alan: this is already the case, my javascript is clean. There's nothing conflicting with prototype or anything else, as long as anything else doesn't add javascript on pages there's not supposed to deal with.
Ok, sounds good.
Thanks again for writing a great plugin!
[…] Clean Archives Reloaded / Dean's FCKEditor For WordPress / Ozh' Better Feed / WordPress Thread […]
[…] Ozh' Better Feed 2.1.2 – Por Ozh – Permite editar opciones para tus feeds, textos, links.. […]
It might be worth noting on this page (it might be buried somewhere in the existing [at this point] 528 comments) that the wrapping PHP code in %%…%% as a token will allow that code to be executed. For example (and this probably won't display properly because of the BBCode requirements):
hi! love this plugin. was wondering (and this may be an odd question) if there is a way to run it before the content of the post instead of after? thanks!
What code would I use to add related posts to my feed?
My problem: click
Any ideas to repair it?
Hi Ozh. I'm still running wp 2.7.1 but I upgraded your plugin before I realized it was for 2.8+. I don't see any problems so far but do you know if there would be a problem running your latest update on 2.7? Thanks!
PRS » don't know. You tell me :) Note that you could also upgrade WP…
Thanks Ozh, I'll let you know if I notice any peculiar behavior! I'm definitely going to upgrade WP – I just need to made sure my theme and plugins all jive ;-)
Thanks for your great plugin!
P.S. Just learned that you're a quaker! I've been playing for longer than I care to say – been mostly in freeze (rail only) for the last several years though. Frag on sir!
Looks like Better Feed is not compatible with the Feed Styler plug-in. We really need the latter as, without it, our feed looks fine only in mobile readers.
Could you please look into the problem? Thanks in advance!
white_pawn » Sorry, I just can't check every plugins on earth.
perhaps you should think about that, feed styler is rather popular.
anyway I like the plugin, great work!
This sounds like a remarkably good idea to me. I will be checking this plugin out for my blogs, especially as they get syndicated in a lot of places.
[…] and manage Custom Fields on the fly. Better Feed allows you to enhance your feeds with several highly customisable features. […]
[…] hat allerdings die Erweiterung "Better Feed" besonder angesprochen. Zum Teil deswegen, weil ich von dem Autor Ozh Richard auch das Plugin […]
[…] bin heute auf einen Artikel in Peruns Weblog gestoßen in dem Perun über das Plugin Better Feed RSS berichtet. Habe ja zur Zeit das © Feed Plugin von Frank Bueltge aktiv und bin schon zufrieden […]
[…] Ozh' Beeter Feed – ky plugin e te mundeson qe te fusesh cka do qe deshiron – jo bash cka do – ne feed (ushqim pi thojne kta t'shipnis) tuaj. Kur te abonohet ndokush ne blog tuaj permes RSS feed sikur Google Reader (me i miri) apo ndonje RSS reader tjeter ata do te ken mundesin qe permes Google Reader te shohin ate qe ke shkruar ne feed tuaj duke perdor kete plugin. Ne post nuk shfaqet… sa kam pare une jo e shpresoj qe as te ju nuk shfaqet. […]
[…] ????????RSS?????????????????better feed??wordpress????????????????feed? […]
[…] ello instale Better Feed que es muy configurable y permite agregar varios cosas al feed, por defecto trae link al post, […]
[…] Web: […]
Is possible include a AdSense to this plugin? I try but i don't see AdSense on my feed… Could you please reply to my e-mail? Sorry, bad English.
Thank you.
[…] enhanced by Better Feed from […]
[…] Ozh' Better Feed – Allows you to add just about anything you want to your RSS feed entries such as links, ads, copyright information and more. […]
[…] Posts to Feed – ?Feed???????????????UTW?Simple tagging??? Better Feed – ??Feed??? Fedafi RSS WordPress Plugin – Feed ?????? ©Feed – […]
Just wanted to come by and thank you for making and maintaining this essential plugin. I've featured it on my list of plugins I use here:
[…] Plugins zum Einsatz: Akismet, BBpress LD, FD Feedburner, Nofollow Case by Case, o42-clean umlauts, Ozh' Better Feed, Simple Trackback Validation. Einen ganz herzlichen Dank an die Plugin-Autoren und natürlich […]
this plugin is amazing.
I've run into a small problem with your plugin and I'm hoping you might be able to help me out. I use ComicPress and the comic posts on my site are not displaying the feed footer correctly. Since the comic posts themselves are technically "empty" (ie, there no post content — an add_filter to the_content drops in the comic image), your plugin seems to be inserting the "rss-summary" version of the footer after the comic instead of the fully formated and linked version.
Any ideas on how to correct this? Thanks!
Can the copyright notice be styled ? I mean i want to add a Border,a background color ,change the fonts of the notice .
Other similar plugins do not let you customize the styling.If you could add the styling parameters for the copyright notice to be displayed it would be very unique and stand out from the crowd of other RSS footer plugins
This plugin is fantastic, but I'm having a problem with the it running in WP 2.8.2.
The footer item editor is displaying some of the buttons, but the majority of them are buttons with loads of php code in them – so they're not getting rendered correctly. Is there a quick fix?
Thanks very much for a great plugin!
[…] to Feed – ?Feed???????????????UTW?Simple tagging??? Better Feed – ??Feed??? Fedafi RSS WordPress Plugin – Feed ?????? ©Feed […]