On: 2008/04/21
Shorter URL for this page: http://ozh.in/kp

Having 50+ plugins in your Plugin Management page doesn't make things fast when you want to find a particular plugin to de/activate or edit it, or when you want to quickly find the ones that are outdated and need an update.


Better Plugin Page brings simple yet valuable enhancement to your Plugins page:

Tiny icons (from famfamfam of course) to emphasize plugin status and quick action links. Less clutter, more information.

Quick filters to find more easily the plugin you're looking for. Want to deactivate one? Start by hiding all the active plugins. Want to update them? Hide those that are up to date (simple filtering system, you'll get unexpected results if you try to combine filters)

Sliding mini list of all your plugins if scrolling all the way down is too tiring for your abused finger.


Want to play with it to make sure you will need it ? Try the demo!


Download the plugin :
ozh-better-plugin-page.zip (current version: 1.0)
Extract and upload to your blog, preserving directory structure if any.


My wife is proud of me when someone links to me on their blog, so if you like (or hate!) this plugin, please write about it :)

Shorter URL

Want to share or tweet this page? Please use this short URL: http://ozh.in/kp


This page "WordPress Better Plugin Page" was posted on 21/04/2008 at 11:25 pm
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61 Blablas

  1. […] Better Plugin Page adds some simple yet efficient (at least I think:) improvements and less clutter, with quick action links, tiny icons, and filter buttons, and more. […]

  2. FabriceV says:

    Great plugin!
    I had like an even more condensed view and better integration to the wordpress style.
    – Display the version number in red and underlined when an update is available. click on the version number launch the update function. Thus suppress the update action in status column.
    – version column could display "download" because it is related to and rarely appears. It reinforces version alert too. Thus no need to alert icon.
    – replace "active" with "on" less characters is better.
    – suppress "inactive" because color switch an lack of "active" information is enough. Replace using "off | activate". Because length and characters are different, the contrast is reinforced.
    – Edit is then alone…

    I dislike the icons. The background brings no sense, thus is the same for all icons, thus minimize the information.
    Active : green circle
    Inactive : red circle
    Available update : orange circle
    Activate : ???
    Download : arrows (down) you download
    Update : arrows (up) you increase number
    Edit ; a pen

  3. […] | Plugin-Seite | Download geschrieben am 22.04.08 um 04:08 Uhr von: BlogPimp […]

  4. PinkPüppi says:

    Great Plugin, but I'm missing the function to activate ALL Plugins at once.

    Or to choose which Plugins should be activated oder deactivated.

  5. Douglas says:

    I have installed your better plugin page into my WordPress 2.5 using Firefox

    It is a great idea; I like the colours and the icons. One problem: the toggle buttons do not toggle correctly in combination: try clicking "hide up to date", then "show active". The result is a list of some active and some up to date. The filters on these buttons need some logical sequence work, it 'ppears to me.

  6. […] die abonnierten RSS-Feeds regelmäßig zu lesen. Weiterführende Links: -Live-Demo -Plugin-Seite […]

  7. Ozh says:

    Douglas » I know this. Say, this is a feature, not a bug :P I'll update the doc to tell about this.

  8. […] has developed a very elegant plugin to clean up the plugin page – it's called Ozh' Better  Plugin Page. It works, it's certainly helpful – but wait – there's more. This is a rare occasion on […]

  9. […] WordPress Better Plugin Page « planetOzh ??????????????????????? (tags: wordpress plugin) […]

  10. Rob says:

    Ozh, Great plugin. Thanks. However, after letting WordPress upgrade it to 1.0.1, all the icons vanished. Any ideas?

  11. Ozh says:

    Rob » Well, no… Nothing funky on my side…

  12. […] dass man schnell den Überblick verlieren kann. Um dem vorzubeugen nutze und empfehle ich das Ozh' Better Plugin Page – Plugin. Nach der Installation werden bei jedem hochgeladenen Plugin Miniicons angezeigt, die z.B. […]

  13. Danny says:

    I love the facelift this plugin provides, but would like one additional feature I miss from the vanilla interface. I'd like to be able to see what the new version number is of an upgradeable plugin.

    Often, if a plugin has been bumped by I will upgrade it blind. But if it goes from 1.5.3 to 2.0.0 I'd like to check the plugin page before upgrading, to make sure the (supposedly major) changes won't kill my blog.

    Maybe as a tooltip on the upgrade icon? Though it would be better as a visible element. Thanks for considering it.

  14. Ozh says:

    Danny » Smart suggestion. I will give it a few minutes when I have some time.

  15. […] WordPress Better Plugin Page- Better Plugin Page brings simple yet valuable enhancement to your Plugins page by making things […]

  16. […] zu aktualisieren, anzuzeigen etc pp. kommt mal wieder von Ozh. Das Plugin nennt sich treffend WordPress Better Plugin Page. Wer die Dinger von Ozh kennt, weiß, dass man nichts falsch machen kann wenn man das Plugin […]

  17. […] , was schonmal für mehr übersichtlichkeit sorgt.  zu bekommen ist dieses Plugin bei OZH […]

  18. […] XML Sitemaps'? kulland?m. Yine Yönetici Panelinde i?ini çok iyi yapan ve takdir etti?im Ozh' Better Plugin Page var. Özellikle eklentileri güncelleme özelli?i ?ahane! Twitter Ya?anm??l?klar? için […]

  19. […] Même les gros fanas de wordpress apprendront sûrement. Sinon j'ai également découvert un plugin qui permet de mieux gérer votre page de plugin dans l'espace […]

  20. Chad says:

    This plugin is FREAKIN AWESOME! I was working on something like this but not that I found this I have noo need thank you!!!!!!

  21. Matt says:

    Great plugin and I'm glad somebody has begun to address the clutter issue on the plugin page. Something's got to be done!

    I'll be using your plugin until my dream plugin comes along (I'd do it myself if I could). I'd really like to see somebody come up with an integration of sortable table columns perhaps using the tablesorter script (see tablesorter dot com). This would allow all plugins to remain on the page but sorted say by activity to allow you to deal visually with one set or another quickly.

    I've thought about two separate tables, one for active and one for inactive plugins but this seems like overkill.

  22. Ozh says:

    Matt » I don't think this would be as efficient as filtering out lines (at least for me with 80+ plugins). Sorting 80 plugins to see which is running and which is not would be a lot messier than simply hiding 60 inactive plugins to see 20 running.
    This said, on WordPress 2.6 there will be 2 tables, one for running and one for inactive (which, to be honest, sucks)

  23. […] Version: 1.0 –  License: n/a – Author: Ozh – Plugin Page – » Download « – » Download […]

  24. r3ck0rd says:

    Hah, finally, 'cause I don't know how much plugins I use :D

  25. r3ck0rd says:

    by the way, when other script and web says I'm from Indonesia, your plugin says I'm from New Zealand (or is it Australia?). Not using any HTTP tunnel, I wonder why…

  26. Chip Bennett says:

    Very nice plugin! Definitely adds needed functionality to the plugin admin page.

    I would just like to add in my support to making the filters work together (active/inactive, up-to-date/update-available), which would make the plugin even *more* powerful/useful.

    Thanks again, Ozh, for all of your fantastic plugin work!

  27. […] “Ozh’s Better Plugin Page Plugin” ist aufgrund der Änderungen in WP 2.6 nun nicht mehr funktional. Was aber auch nicht […]

  28. Hi,
    very good plugin!

    It seems to have problems with WordPress 2.6: the count of total plugin, filter buttons, …

    Continue your good work.

  29. hey any updates on WP 2.6 it seems the plugin no longer works.

  30. There is one feature that would put this plugin on my MUST have list…..

    Saving the state of plugins, so you can "Activate All" AFTER an upgrade for which you had to deactivate all.

    Really hope you can add that "little" feature! ;-)



  31. Poppa Bear says:


    Another elegant bit of code.

    However, with WP2.6, the ability to hide/show the states of plugins is broken.

    Thanks for the efforts!


  32. […] Better Plugin Page — ????? ??? ??????: ????????? ?????? ???????? ???????? ? ?????????, ???????? ? ??? ????????? ??????????? ????? ??????? ?????????? ????????, ???????? ?????? ?????????? ???????? ? ?.?. […]

  33. Joel says:

    Love your superb collection of plug ins, they are simply stunning. but having a small issue with this particular plugin, at the moment I'm using your admin drop down and better feed plug ins…. yesterday I thought of trying out this one and it went completely wrong for me

    It got activated fine but the top buttons your plugin provides did not work and the plugin count stayed on 0
    Here is a screen shot

  34. Ozh says:

    Joel » Yes, I know. Still havent updated this plugin for 2.6 :)

  35. Joel says:

    Ok thanks expecting an update soon. thanks for the speedy reply. simply love this plugin :)

  36. […] WordPress Better Plugin Page macht Schluss mit lästigen Suchorgien: eine Reihe von Icons und durchdachte Filterfunktionen (z.B. nur Plugins anzeigen, die upgedatet werden wollen) kommt jenen Blogger entgehen, deren Plugin-Collection mittlerweile bereits ausufert: […]

  37. […] from here 21) WordPress Better Plugin Page- Better Plugin Page brings simple yet valuable enhancement to your Plugins page by making things […]

  38. […] Plugin WordPress Better Plugin Page von Ozh reorganisiert die WordPress Plugin Seite und macht sie unter Anderem mit Icons […]

  39. […] WordPress Better Plugin Page- Better Plugin Page brings simple yet valuable enhancement to your Plugins page by making things […]

  40. […] WordPress Better Plugin Page- Better Plugin Page brings simple yet valuable enhancement to your Plugins page by making things […]

  41. chris says:

    i love the ozh better comments and better plugin plugins, but there is a bug on the plugins page.

    the green sidebar in the right hand side is spread all over the complete width of the screen.

    how can i fix this issue? can you give me a hint

    greetz chris

  42. […] Management page: tiny icons, less clutter, quick action links. Handy for those who have …..read more Download Plugin! Version 1.2 Last Updated: August 31, 2008 […]

  43. baron says:

    hi. Thanks for plugin



  44. John W says:

    Need an "upgrade all" button to have all plugins that need upgraded with one click. Trap update failure errors so as to not impact the rest.

  45. Ozh says:

    John W » definitely something I won't implement, because of the nightmare support that would follow. There's a plugin that does this (plugin mass updater) but I wouldn't dare doing something like this.

  46. Richard says:

    Hi there!

    Please have a look at the conversation on the following page: http://w-shadow.com/blog/2007/10/19/one-click-plugin-updater/comment-page-15/#comments starting at comment #417, with my name on it. :)

    There's something strange going on, and I don't know if maybe you and the other plugin author can figure it out together.


  47. phototristan says:

    The latest version 1.4 prevents automatic plugin updates in WP 2.8

  48. Ozh says:

    phototristan » Oops, indeed. Going to fix this.

  49. Tyler Style says:

    Didn't work at all for me. Downloaded, activated and … nada. Using WP 2.8.1.

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