On: 2005/10/07
Shorter URL for this page: http://ozh.in/lk

This is a rather simple script that will create an RSS feed with your daily Adsense earnings, making it easy to track them via your regular feed reader.

Current version: 1.1 (24 april 2006)


Multiply your income by 10 ! Become a 6 figure blogger ! No, just kidding :) There are no feature this time, except that you can specify how many feed items (i.e. days) you want to have.


Get the script :

  • rss-adsense.php (colorized html, copy & paste into a blank file but don’t download it : it’s colorized html, not code :)
  • rss-adsense.txt (right click & save as .php)


Edit the script, and modify 4 lines at its beginning to suit your needs. Basically, you have to enter your Adsense login, password, the range of days you want to aggregate and a path to a temporary cookie file you shouldn't even need to modify.


Upload the script to some secret location on your server, or rename it to some secret filename. Why secret ? Just because you don't want anybody to see how much (or how few) you earn, and also because it is against Adsense Terms of Use to publicly display your Adsense results.

If you add it on a web-based RSS reader (Bloglines for example), be sure to mark it private.


Q: Is it secure to enter my Adsense password in a script ?
A: It is, as long as no one can access the source of the script on your server (i.e. download the source file via FTP for example)

Q: Is it a malicious script that will send my password to you ?
A: Well of course. It will also guess your credit card number and post it on random forums all over the internet.

Q: What does Google think about this ?
A: They don't care. Read the disclaimer below.

Q: What does the author of PHP Curl extension think about this ?
A: He thinks it's way cool.


Adsense Terms of Use regarding disclosure of your earnings vary from time to time. As of today, you cannot publicly reveal your daily income, Click Through Ratios and eCPM. If anyone else ever discovers and reads your feed, it will be your fault. Not mine :)

Adsense reports are not update real time, so there is no need to refresh your feed every 5 minutes. Set up a reasonnable refresh delay such as one hour minimum in your feed reader.

Release history

  • 10/05/2005 : 1.0, initial release
  • 04/24/2006 : 1.1, update by Chris Gibson when Google changed their query parameters. Thanks Chris !

Shorter URL

Want to share or tweet this page? Please use this short URL: http://ozh.in/lk


This page "Adsense Earnings RSS Feed" was posted on 07/10/2005 at 1:13 pm

70 Blablas

  1. […] Das Script kann man hier herunterladen. Technorati Tags: […]

  2. Will says:


    I get the following error:
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: curl_init() in /home/[…]/rss-adsense.php on line 60

    Is this to do with my web host's php setup?

  3. Ozh says:

    Will » yes, you need a PHP installation with curl. It's really pretty standard, ask for it or change host :)

  4. Jon says:

    Thanks so much for this script.

    I'd really like to be able to view earnings by channel. Before I try to hack your script, can you give me some pointers on what I might want to try? Or why I might not want to try it? Or can I convince you to add that feature?




  5. Ozh says:

    No, I won't make it :)
    I just wanted to have a quick recap I can follow through the day, but for detailed stats I just to the adsense site

  6. michelem says:

    It's a very useful script, thanks.
    You could add a note like "it requires php-curl package" (php4-curl for Debian users)
    Nice work

  7. […] Ho scoperto una cosa molto utile per chi utilizza e cerca di guadagnare qualcosa con i Google Adsense, Ozh ha creato uno script (php, richiede php-curl) per ottenere la lista degli ultimi guadagni in formato feed RSS. Basta copiarsi il file metterlo in qualche posto al sicuro in un vostro spazio online (magari aggiungendo anche un file robots.txt che escluda l'indicizzazione di quel file) e aggiungere l'url al vostro aggregatore preferito, ma se usate un aggregatore online (come Bloglines per es.) ricordatevi di mettere il feed "privato"! (e' assolutamente vietato da regolamento pubblicare i proprio guadagni). Semplice e utile. –> […]

  8. Jon says:

    Ozh: OK, I don't blame you for not wanting to make it :)

    I'm *ok* with PHP, but certainly not a master. Can you give me a clue on where I would want to massage this script to show data by channel?

    I've tried the '&type=channel&c.id=34656456', but this just breaks the feed…

    I made that adsense channel id up, for the record.

    Any clue would be appreciated.


  9. cosa says:

    downloaded, nice script :)

    too bad it won't make me a six figure blogger. I hope you add that feature in the next version!

  10. […] Adsense Earnings RSS Feed « planetOzhThis is a rather simple script that will create an RSS feed with your daily Adsense earnings, making it easy to track them via your regular feed reader. … […]

  11. […] Adsense Earnings RSS Feed « planetOzh This is a rather simple script that will create an RSS feed with your daily Adsense earnings, making it easy to track them via your regular feed reader. … […]

  12. […] Adsense Earnings RSS Feed " planetOzh … This is a rather simple script that will create an RSS feed with your daily Adsense earnings, making … PHP libcurl Featuring my Adsense to RSS Script. Adsense Earnings RSS Feed … […]

  13. […] Adsense Earnings RSS Feed « planetOzhAdsense Earnings RSS Feed « planetOzhThis is a rather simple script that … RSS SCRIPT » JavaScript RSS Box Viewer 1.0RC: […] Adsense Earnings RSS Feed. … […]

  14. PurpleRain says:

    $cellpadding=0 (//–> clicks on pages : CTR = – eCPM =

    It says xml error, expect

    What's wrong with it?


  15. Will says:

    Yeah same here. :(

    XML Parsing Error: mismatched tag. Expected: . Location: rss-adsense.php Line Number 173, Column 63:$cellpadding=0 (//--> clicks on pages : CTR = - eCPM = --------------------------------------------------------------^

  16. PurpleRain says:

    I am still waiting for yr assistance. Can i have a hand here? Thanks.

  17. Dx says:

    teh script is borked…
    <title>$</script> on </title>

    and many things like this…

    No, no, no… login incorrect

    This helped me in debugging, find this:

    curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $cookie);
    curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $cookie);
    curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postdata);
    curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
    $result = curl_exec ($ch);

    $result = array_reverse($result);

    And add in that whitespace after curl_close this:
    You will see roughly the result of.. login?

  18. Fabian says:

    Great script! thanks

  19. I noticed in my own feed, the date for the first entry showed up fine, but the subsequent were appearing as from the year 2036. Upon inspection, I found the date was being put in the wrong order.

    $day = mktime(0, 0, 0, $day[1], $day[0], $day[2]);
    $day = mktime(0, 0, 0, $day[1], $day[2], $day[0]);
    fixes the problem.

  20. Reza says:

    My email hast two dot : me.test@gmail.com
    I get error. it do't login in adsense.

  21. Felix says:

    Can you please make it display your total earnings? Thanks

  22. Maurizio says:

    Great script, thank you!

    I wonder if in the future we'll see Reports for Personalized AdSense Criteria in the feed?
    And, as Felix asked before me, total earnings?

    Thank you again, and keep up the good work ;)

  23. […] Adsense earnings RSS feed – a simple script that will create an RSS feed with your daily Adsense earnings to track via your regular feed reader. […]

  24. Georg says:

    Hi! The script seems to be great, however, it doesn´t seem to work for me. The output is just empty. Is it possible that Google changed the login process again?
    Thanks for your help!

  25. AdSense Verdienst RSS Feed

    Dieses AdSense Earnings RSS Feed ist ein einfaches Script, das ein tägliches RSS Feed mit Ihren  AdSense Einnahmen erstellt, um sie so einfacher nachverfolgen zu können:

  26. […] Editor Comment: I tested it, and here is mine version For RSS Feeds of Google Adsense earning, try Adsense Earnings RSS Feed […]

  27. […] Adsense earnings RSS feed – Script qui crée un flux RSS vous permettant de suivre vos revenus dans votre lecteur de news préféré. […]

  28. […] Adsense earnings RSS feed – a simple script that will create an RSS feed with your daily Adsense earnings to track via your regular feed reader. […]

  29. Adsense Guy says:

    is there a way to run this script in safe mode since curl_setopt is blocked in safe mode?

  30. Adam says:

    I've been using this feed for a while now and love it. I'm also using the Sparklines hack. However, since Google has started changing the login page as well as some of the layout of the report, the RSS feed (and Sparkline) have been acting weird (like giving the wrong values. Is anyone else notice this or have a work around? Thanks!!!

  31. Rich Tatum says:

    This has been a great plugin, thanks for developing it! Unfortunately, I moved to a new host last month and now the script is broken. :(

    I get this error:

    Warning: curl_setopt() [function.curl-setopt]: CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when in safe_mode or an open_basedir is set in /home/rtatum/public_html/blog/bras.php on line 77

    I have other tools that use CURL, such as TanTanNoodles, which grabs stats from Google Analytics, or the BDPRSS Aggregator, which grabs feeds. They work fine, but this one doesn't any more. My host provider says:

    We can't (won't) remove open_basedir as that is a php options that keeps one site isolated from all other sites. This comment on php.net gives you a possible coding work around: http://au.php.net/…curl-setopt.php

    I know you're not supporting this plugin, but I'm hoping somebody out there has already experienced this problem and figured out a workaround.


  32. Rich Tatum says:

    :: thump, thump, thump ::

    Anybody there?


  33. Ozh says:

    Rich » I guess you're stuck…

  34. […] Click here to visit Adsense Earnings RSS Feed site […]

  35. […] PHP Adsense RSS feed generator […]

  36. Taylor says:

    Does this script still work? I got parse errors on line 117, about mktime() needing a long for args 4 and 5.

    Debugging, it looks like it's not accepting my login credentials at the AdSense site — I get the login page again (with the message "Invalid email address or password") as the $result of the curl retrieval. Thoughts?

  37. fel3232 says:

    is there any support available for buggs? Please shoot me an email. Thanks in advance.

  38. Ernie Oporto says:

    Looks like Google changed their login for Adsense and this no longer works.

  39. Justin says:

    Any plans to get it working again with the new Adsense?

  40. […] by reporting MFA sites or LCPC sites that you have discovered.Adsense Earnings RSS feed Adsense Earnings RSS feed is a script that you can use to generate a RSS feed of your Adsense earnings, clicks, or other […]

  41. this one was cool.. if im lazy enough to open my adsense account every now and then. hehe

  42. […] by reporting MFA sites or LCPC sites that you have discovered.Adsense Earnings RSS feed Adsense Earnings RSS feed is a script that you can use to generate a RSS feed of your Adsense earnings, clicks, or other […]

  43. […] Adsense Earnings RSS feed: Script que se puede usar para generar informes sobre las ganancias y clicks de Adsense. […]

  44. […] Adsense Earnings RSS feed: Script que se puede usar para generar informes sobre las ganancias y clicks de Adsense. […]

  45. Tony says:

    Thanks. This is a great plugin and I dont have to keep logging into my Adsense to check.

  46. […] som pre vás aj scriptík, ja som ho neskúšal a zrejme ani nebudem, aj ke? rss samozrejme mám osobne ho však […]

  47. jurpopage says:

    nice stuff, thx for share it :)

  48. Carbide20 says:

    My feed just comes up as blank (it has the title
    '20 days of Adsense
    An RSS feed of my Adsense earnings for the last 20 days'

    but no items. I'm sure that every day I make lots of $$ so how can this be?

  49. toni says:

    Hmm… I've read your script.. cool, you send our email and password using curl post data. how do you get the value of $destination ?? does google give us Web API ??