When I'm working on a new plugin, a new javascript bit or a new theme, and I want to test something across various browsers, I hate it when I have to login multiple times (once in Firefox, once in MSIE..) to view the same admin area.
So, for test sites on localhost only, I made this quick plugin: No Login. The plugin short-circuits the login security tests and authenticates you as 'admin'.
Once it's enabled, the plugin makes it clear that everybody can visit your admin area as an admin, so be sure not to play with it on your live blog, ok?
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[…] times (once with MSIE, once with Firefox…) to view the same admin page. So, basically, No Login makes your admin backend a free-for-all no-login area. For localhost test sites only, obviously. […]
brilliant. how did i live without this?
*golf clap*
Excellent. Thank you! :)
really this is stupid plug in
om ยป Or you don't have a clue what it's for. As a developer, I find it mandatory for local test blogs.