Here I'm listing, for my own reference, what Firefox addons I should reinstall when getting a new computer or when restoring an old one.
Updated 30/10/2021:
- GMail Notifier
- I Don't Care About Cookies
- Uppity
- Adblock Plus
- Search IMDB
- Lastpass
- Select After Closing Current (makes sure the tab on the left, or previously used tab, gets focus when closing a tab)
- Open Tabs next to current
- My bookmarklets
Previously :
- Firebug, Firecookie, Firepicker
- Colorzilla
- Adblock
EchofonNotEchofon- Download Statusbar
- Define and SearchIMDB (by Sogame)
- GMail Notifier
- GMelius ?
- Gmail Old Compose
Old Location BarOldbar by sspitzer- Restartless Restart
- Tab Control by Anthony Lieuallen
- Tineye Reverse Image Search
- Uppity
- ImgUR extension
- Status-4-Evar
- Dictionary
- Toggle Animated GIFs
- Password Exporter
Firefox about:config tweaks :
- browser.urlbar.trimURLs to false
- security.dialog_enable_delay to 0
- browser.tabs.closeWindowWithLastTab to 0
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This page "Note to Self: What My Firefox Needs" was posted on 15/05/2011 at 12:00 am
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