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On: 2008 / 05 / 02
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I've been a Colour Lover since a few years, I love that site. A few weeks ago, they sent me an email telling that they were about to release an API to play with colors and palettes created by other color lovers, so what could I do? A WordPress plugin, obviously. Warning: this is going to be TAFW (Too Addictive For Work).

(Feed readers: in case you miss it, here goes a video)

If you still have no clue : this plugin fetches color palettes from ColourLovers and lets you play with the generated CSS real time, till you make something cool so you can save it as a standalone reusable CSS. How super cool is this, seriously ? :)

ETA: a few days. Stay tuned !

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This entry "It’s Still Cooking… And It’s Hot!" was posted on 02/05/2008 at 1:12 am and is tagged with , , ,
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13 Blablas

  1. Hi,
    looks promising to me but how is it going to be used in a production environment? I mean it's nice to change css colors on the fly but I don't really get the idea behind it. Perhaps I'm just a lil dumb :P.

    Thanks for explanation,

  2. Ozh says:

    Andreas » two ideas behind it.
    1: let the plugin charm you. Each time you load a page, it gets a different look. The thing is, it's not a *random* look, since it's made from, in most case, a pretty palette with colors that match well together. This is very addictive, I tell you :)
    2: use it to make your own Admin CSS. In this case, it'll be probably the best tool around to do so.

  3. Travis says:

    That is incredible! I (ironically) love it. Fantastic job Ozh. Can't wait to use it.

  4. ah I got it, thanks Ozh. That's really sweet.

  5. This is a great idea for a plugin. I am running a WPMU-based site and I'd like all of my different blog Admins to see a standard color scheme in the backend. I wonder if this will do the trick?

  6. Ozh says:

    Adam » This will definitely do it :)

  7. Great! I can't wait! I've been going back and forth with the idea of "branding" the backend admin pages to match my site, and this will allow me to do this, at least with the same color scheme:)…and without editing the admin.css (and remembering to not overwrite that when I upgrade).

  8. hemostick says:

    Niice. I see too many years playing id games made you adopt their "when it's done" mantra ;)

  9. Kaspars says:

    Ozh, this is really funny — I just updated the Baltic Amber themes & schemes plugin to include a color picker :) And in the random color mode it actually uses complimentary colors so it is not a crazy "red on blue" random :)

    By trying out different base colors, I discovered that shade of orange used for the dashboard highlight (in default Fresh color scheme) is a 100% complimentary color of that header blue.

    How many colors does your plugin replace on the fly? Is it javascript doing the replacement?

  10. Ozh says:

    Kaspars » I'm playing with 5 colors (the max number of colors in a COLOURlovers' palette) and yes, everything is changed real time on the client side in the stylesheet via javascript

  11. Epic Alex says:

    This is possibly the most awesome thing I've seen this week! How cool is this going to be for creating multiple colour schemes quickly and easily for a client.

    Looking forward to the plugin.


  12. Ozh says:

    Epic Alex » Creating for client & for money? Don't forget the plugin author ;)

  13. […] grew in my mind, and a few weeks ago I started coding something really fun. You might have seen the teasing earlier this month, and if not, skip it, my screencasting skills have dramatically improved since […]

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