Recently, I wanted to add some dynamic content to a Mediawiki page : I wanted a project page to show how many lines of code the project currently had, and therefore I wanted something like <linecount> to be converted into something special.
Piece of cake ? Piece of cake. Adding custom tags or custom complex functions to your wiki is really easy, and here is how it can be done.
Adding a custom tag
For example, let's create the HTML tag <ozh>. Declaring a custom HTML tags in Mediawiki is done in 3 steps :
- Register a new function :
- $wgExtensionFunctions[] = 'registerSampleTag';
- $wgExtensionCredits['parserhook'][] = array(
- 'name' => 'SampleTag',
- 'author' => 'Ozh',
- 'url' => '',
- );
- Tell the wiki that this function will be triggered by tag <ozh>
- function registerSampleTag() {
- global $wgParser;
- $wgParser->setHook('ozh', 'printSampleTag');
- }
- Define your special function that will take care of text enclosed in your new tag
- function printSampleTag($input,$params) {
- foreach ($params as $key=>$value) {
- $args .= "<li>$key = *$value*</li>\n";
- }
- return('Text : '.$input.'<br/>Arguments :<ul>'.$args.'</ul>');
- }
Put these 3 functions in a file named for example sampleExtension.php in directory mediawiki/extensions, then edit mediawiki/LocalSettings.php and add the following at the end of the file, before the closing PHP tag ?> :
- include("extensions/sampleExtension.php");
That's it. Now, whenever your write something like
- <ozh stuff=1 thing="someparam">some text</ozh>
it will output
- Text : some text
- Arguments :
- stuff = 1
- thing = someparam
Ok, not the most useful stuff, but you get the idea :)
Adding a custom complex function
Now, you want to create something more complex, for example you'd like a custom function adequately named ozh that would convert "{{ozh:34|Quake|PHP}}" converted into "is 34 years old, plays Quake and writes poor PHP".
Your custom function declaration goes through 3 similar steps :
- // Step 1 : add a new function to register
- $wgExtensionFunctions[] = 'registerSampleFunction';
- $wgExtensionCredits['parserhook'][] = array(
- 'name' => 'SampleFunction',
- 'author' => 'Ozh',
- 'url' => '',
- );
- // Step 2 : tell the Wiki that this function will be
- // triggered by function tag {{ozh}}
- function registerSampleFunction() {
- global $wgParser;
- $wgParser->setFunctionHook('ozh', 'printSampleFunction');
- }
- // Step 3 : now define our function
- function printSampleFunction(&$parser, $arg1, $arg2, $arg3) {
- return("is $arg1 years old, plays $arg2 and writes poor $arg3");
- }
So …
How simple was it ?
For the curious readers, adding a line count from a subversion project was done with a bash script like :
- svn export --username joe --password 123456 --force /home/ozh/project
- find /home/ozh/project -name '*.*' | xargs wc -l | grep total | sed -e 's/ total//' > /home/ozh/project/line.count
The script is run periodically via cron, and a custom tag <linecount> simply calls a function that returns file_get_content('/home/ozh/project/line.count');
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If I want to add a RSS feed to each page of the wiki how do I do that?? Are there any plugins available?
This is how you can add an rss feed to your special pages:
Find the corresponding Special page i.e. include/SpecialWantedpages.php
Open this file and at the bottom where: function wfSpecial… is located, add on the next line: global $wgRequest;
At the end of the function add just above the doQuery:
if ( ! $pp->doFeed( $wgRequest->getVal( 'feed' ), $limit ) )
I just spent an hour to find out how I can use wiki tags in $input. Therefore I'm adding it here to avoid that another user has to waste another hour ;-)
My method probably works with Mediawiki >= 1.8, I tested with 1.10.
Instead of
and then call
$ret will then contain HTML code with wiki tags expanded, clickable links etc. – just as every other wiki page.