Doh. DOH. DOH.
While working on a WordPress test install on this server, I accidentally deleted all posts and comments here. Blame the hardcoded 'wp_posts' in the script I was fiddling with. The freshest backup I had was from 3 weeks old, so obviously I've lost quite a few things in the meantime, including probably a few worthy posts about my latest plugins. Oh well. Shit happens, they say :)
Update: weee, I was able to recover bigger posts using Google's cache version of the missing pages. Ain't that cool ? :)
Update 2: … and the rest from Bloglines. Who needs backup ? :P
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What a wonderfull website !!!
Dire que je suis tombé sur ce site en faisant une recherche google dans le cadre du travail (j'oserais presque dire "agree" avec v|nce à propos du script de process zombie d'ailleur) ;)
Tient au passage bonne année
et les commentaires, tu les recup aussi ?
n00b !
cous » \o/
Shyko » osef.