In: , ,
On: 2005 / 09 / 18
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To many, RSS feeds are an unfriendly dead end : from your feed reader, you read a post (or just flag it as "Read" if the title looks dull) and go read another post. You miss the connectivity and interaction a traditionnal website can provide : list of related entries that might interest you, comments and replies that fuel a discussion, handy links that allows one-click "Add to", this kind of features that feeds lack.

No longer.

"Add to" right from within the feed. "Read more (183 words)" in feed item where applicable. Custom copyright to annoy automatic content stealers that give no credit. These are just a few example of what you could add to your feed.

Open your favorite feed reader and add my own feed. Curious about that custom footer in every feed post ? Go read about my latest WordPress plugin : Better Feed.

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This entry "Your WordPress Feed, on Steroid" was posted on 18/09/2005 at 12:53 am and is tagged with , ,
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3 Blablas

  1. […] J'ai donc téléchargé le plugin d'Ozh pour WordPress, qui permet d'ajouter un pied de page aux fils RSS. Normalement, ceux qui jouent avec les lecteurs RSS devraient voir une différence […]

  2. Karsten says:

    hey, your "better feed" Plugin is great!
    I use it on my page (

  3. Karsten says:

    oh the "for the SMYF License ;) )" been cut of.

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