In: , , , ,
On: 2005 / 09 / 05
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Ow ow ow, big news today. I'm releasing something I've been working on for quite a few days and that has turned into something even cooler than what I was planning at first. Introducing …

WordPress Theme Toolkit : Helps theme authors adding an admin menu. Helps theme users customise their blogs.

WordPress Theme Toolkit is for theme creators : it allows adding an admin menu into a theme as easily as editing 3 lines in a file. Most users can't tell the difference between an HTML tag and a PHP tag, so why not give them control over their blog layout through a clean admin menu ? Days of shipping theme files that the end user will have to edit to customize things are over !

As an example of what WordPress Theme Toolkit makes possible, I'm releasing another stuff : Minimalissimplistic, a minimalist elastic theme that comes with interesting additionnal features you will manage from an admin menu. The point here is not to show how cool these features are, but how simple it has been to implement them into the theme thanks to the Toolkit. Simple… as editing 3 lines.

I've intensively tested WordPress Theme Toolkit in every situation I could think of, and as far as I can tell, it's working like a charm. On a side note, I'll add that this project has been my training grounds for learning PHP classes, and the result is very satisfying :)

So, now that I think that it's working fine, I want feedback ! Is it cool ? Useful ? Easy to use ? Theme authors … your turn now, make something with it !

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This entry "WordPress Themes with an Admin Menu" was posted on 05/09/2005 at 10:19 pm and is tagged with , , , ,
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10 Blablas

  1. […] WordPress Theme Toolkit Helps theme authors in adding an admin menu to customise their blogs. Pretty cool with lots of examples for the beginner theme author.   Linking Posts […]

  2. […] Frenchfragfactory hat ein WordPress Theme Toolkit vorgestellt, mit dem der Autor eines WordPress Templates dem Benutzer solcher Templates die Möglichkeit geben kann ohne direkt im Template-Code zu arbeiten, Veränderungen an diesem vornehmen zu können. […]

  3. […] WordPress Theme Toolkit – [via] […]

  4. […] Bien, pues llega otra minirrevolución en el desarrollo práctico de WordPress. Se trata de WordPress Theme Toolkit, una herramienta diseñada específicamente para creadores de themes (plantillas) a través de la cual se implementa un menú de personalización de plantillas en el panel de administración de las bitácoras con WP. El objetivo es que el usuario pueda cambiar cómodamente los parámetros básicos de personalización que ofrece el theme sin necesidad de tocar para nada los archivos originales (hojas de estilo, index.php, pages, etc.), lo cual, además de farragoso para quienes no estén iniciado en HTML o PHP, puede resultar altamente peligroso para el futuro de la bitácora. […]

  5. […]   Wordpress Theme Toolkit,可以方便的为任何一个模版增加一个导航栏的后台管理界面,也很适合现有模版用户自定义自己的导航栏。   WordPress Theme Toolkit真的很实用,希望能以插件的形式出现,或者建议WordPress开发组把它加入到下一个版本中去。 […]

  6. Savage Vines says:

    WP Theming

    As some of you (well those that I think might actually read this blog) might know I have changed the design of this site quite often. This entry by Ozh looks very promising even for my own site or if I actually release one of my designs.

  7. Ali_ix says:

    woooow !

    wonderfull and interesting :D

  8. […] WordPress Themes with an Admin Menu « planetOzh WordPress Themes with an Admin Menu (tags: lazysheep) […]

  9. […] It now fully incorporates the WordPress theme toolkit into the package; thus, ad display code and other options are now completely configurable via the theme options page on the WordPress administrative interface […]

  10. This looks very interesting and something we have just been discussing (WordPress themes) I may even now try to design a few myself with the aid of this toolkit. Many Thanks

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