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On: 2005 / 09 / 21
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Sending an exe file with Gmail : zip the .exe, rar the resulting .zip, now zip the .rar and rename it to .doc … Sometimes things are so simple with GMail …

Update: ok, this was more a joke when I was upset than a real tip. Since this page gets some referral from search engines with people really looking for Gmail tips, here is a much more simple way to send your .exe files :

Rename to yourfile.-exe (or yourfile.-zip)

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This entry "How to Send .exe files with Gmail" was posted on 21/09/2005 at 9:36 pm and is tagged with , , ,
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11 Blablas

  1. […] Ozh reports: Sending an exe file with Gmail : zip the .exe, rar the resulting .zip, now zip the .rar and rename it to .doc … Sometimes things are so simple with GMail … […]

  2. John McCollins says:

    Just simply change the extension of .exe file to something like ".exx" or something else and tell the receiver to change the extension back to .exe after downloading the file.
    Same goes with Zip files containing .exe files. Just rename the .zip file with the extension of your choice like ".zip" and tell the receiver to change the extension back top .zip after downloading the file.

    Why was I using the same language in the paragraph 2 (Zip files) while writing the message??? Ha…Ha…

  3. ZoMtEc says:

    i just encode the zip file including the filenames….

  4. Earl says:

    Why not compress the file with dropstuff in a sit or sitx format……then email it-DA

  5. chris says:

    not all people use dropstuff.

  6. coolboy says:

    that's great!

  7. Jon says:

    This is one of the key reasons I haven't moved my email to Google Apps. I find it really annoying when I'm trying to send somebody an executable or some other prohibited filetype and end up having to rename, send, and tell the person to rename it. I wish there were a greasemonkey script that modifies the gmail page and would take your file and upload it to a filesharing service (or FTP) and automatically include the link in the email.

  8. Pinco says:

    I usually rar the .exe file with password, encrypting even filename (it's a winrar option), then I write down that symbolic password (usually 123456) in the text of the email. It works every time ;)

  9. mahendra Hubli says:

    hey guys
    wake up just

    copy any file into word
    then send word document through

    simple and best solution

  10. Jon says:

    That doesn't make sense, Mahendra. You can't copy binary files to Word and be able to convert them back to an EXE. Plus that's more work than just renaming the extension.

  11. d says:

    Actually, it works. try it.

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