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On: 2005 / 08 / 22
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Over the last two or three weeks, I've been helping Tim Yang package a WordPress Theme. Its layout and design will be interesting and innovative in more than a way, one of them being Adsense optimization, built from his own long-term experience on this subject.

My role on this project is trying to make everything that involves PHP as simple to use as possible, as well for the end user as for the theme creator. After designing my own site layout I've had a few ideas listed somewhere in my mind, and working on a new theme has been an opportunity to try them out.

If everything goes as planned, I'll be releasing soon in a few days when it's done something like an "Enhancement Theme Toolkit" : a theme administration menu, aiming to help theme authors give more control to end users over their theme, while being extremely easy to set up and customize for theme creators.

Incidentally, while setting up Planet WordPress yesterday (a feed aggregation about WordPress), I noticed that is about to be released (or at least it's in beta now). Ever since knowing that this theme will be shipped with an admin menu, I decided not to have a look at it, since this was something I had planned to do for long and I wanted to get it working myself before I would look into someone else's code. This said, when everything on my side will be functionnal, I'm looking forward to having a look at it and see how they managed to do things.

Who knows, eventually the two could cross-pollinate into something even better :)

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This entry "WordPress Theme Enhancement" was posted on 22/08/2005 at 10:18 am and is tagged with , , , , ,
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3 Blablas

  1. That would be great man, and I know how it is wanting to go it on your own, and not look at some one elses code.

    Knowing you, I am sure I will learn a thing or three from seeing your options page when it is out and about.

  2. Ozh says:

    Thanks for your kind comment Chris :)

  3. WordPress Theme with AdSense Optimizations

    This will be of interest to those of you who run AdSense on a WordPress blog (like I do).
    Plant OZH has a post about creating a new WordPress Theme that includes "Adsense optimization". I'm not sure what that means exactly, but it sounds interesti…

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