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On: 2005 / 06 / 01
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One day, I founded an online gaming clan with two other buddies. I had no particular goal in mind, except that I wanted to have fun with a game I was seriously getting addicted to (Quake 2) and to make a website with a concept. So there it was : the French Frag Factory was born, with "We are not a clan, we are a limited company" as a tagline (rough translation of "Nous ne sommes pas un clan, nous sommes une SARL")

This day was June 1st, 1998. And today, exactly seven years later, my clan French Frag Factory is still active, now playing Quake3, still involved in several online competitions, putting some glue in the French community with a news page updated several times a day, that by the way just served its 4th million readers (or maybe there are only 10 readers refreshing all day long ?:)

Yes, I'm really proud of all the things I've done in and for the "French Quake Scene". Happy Birthday, French Frag Factory :)

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This entry "French Frag Factory : 7 Years of Quake, and Counting !" was posted on 01/06/2005 at 4:43 pm and is tagged with , , , ,
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6 Blablas

  1. hemostick says:

    apibeurzdai et merci o/
    "Pourvu que ça dure !"

  2. I'm proud to have been part of it even with less presence than Ozh =)

  3. hemostick says:

    Time to be international. Call it LLC instead :) ("Limited Liability Company" I think it is)

  4. BOK says:

    Congrats! So whats the opposite of "Humiliation.wav"? Must be "DOMINATING.wav" :-)
    Happy fraggin'!!

  5. BOK says:

    Hemostick here? He was once in the same clan I was! If the same person of course…

  6. hemostick says:

    That's me =) There's only one me on the net, which is cool.

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