A few personal, useless and irrelevant Google facts and results :
- As of writing I'm number one result for sux0rz, which is an unexpected side effect of my re-filing all my posts under new categories. Lots of categories.
- I'm also number 1 result for funny fraises (fraises is strawberries in French), which brings a daily (small) number of hits onto a post about some silly mIRC scripting. I wonder what these guys are looking for, by the way…
- The Wikipedia page for Online Poker is still ranking #2, this hasn't change for quite a while now. Is #1 spot unreachable ?
- I officially declare this week the week of my overtaking #1 spot in Google's images for Ozh. Really, this is unbearable.
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This entry "Google Stuffs" was posted on 02/05/2005 at 1:42 pm and is tagged with Ego, Google, Spam, sux0rz, Useless, Web
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