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On: 2005 / 01 / 18
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Cleaning my desktop under Windows 2K, I wanted to get rid of a few useless icons : "My Documents", and "Internet Explorer" icons (the other unwanted ones being taken care of by the excellent Tweak-UI). Two little reg hacks.

  • My Documents Icon
    Add a new REG_DWORD data, named Attributes in the following key :

    1. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion \Explorer\CLSID\ {450D8FBA-AD25-11D0-98A8-0800361B1103}\ShellFolder.

    Give it value 0xf0400174 to display the icon, or value 0xf0500174 to hide it (source)

  • Internet Explorer Icon
    Add a new REG_DWORD data, named NoInternetIcon in the following key :

    1. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft \Windows\CurrentVersion\ Policies\Explorer

    Give it value 1 to hide the icon, or value 0 to display it (source)

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This entry "Remove some Icons from your Desktop" was posted on 18/01/2005 at 11:10 pm and is tagged with , ,
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3 Blablas

  1. Barbara says:

    How to remove some of the i-cons on desk top

  2. Barbara says:

    How to delet i-cons from desktop that are no longer needed

  3. Ozh says:

    Oh, no… a blonde.

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