In: , , ,
On: 2004 / 09 / 12
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I've uploaded a new flags archive (the one that goes well with my IP to Nation WordPress Plugin). The archive is now a regular .zip, not a bunch of .tar.gz mess :)

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This entry "Flags archive" was posted on 12/09/2004 at 2:07 pm and is tagged with , , ,
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8 Blablas

  1. RaiL-FleX says:

    Si je comprends bien, tu as compressé en .zip c'est çà ?
    A vrai dire, je ne vois pas trop pourquoi, le .tar.gz est lisible aussi bien sous Linux que sous Windows …

  2. Ozh says:

    non, j'avais merdé le premier pack : c'était un .zip de 175 .gif.gz :)
    (tiens mais c'est quoi ton drapeau là ?)

  3. RaiL-FleX says:

    Ok ok je vois :)

    Et mon drapeau, c'est je crois celui de l'île-du-Prince-Edouard powered by proxy :)

  4. Trevor says:

    Hey, what is the license on these flags?

  5. I'm also curious about the license; I'd love to use them for things like my flags-on-facebook user script (which presently uses the not at all as nice and beautiful free famfamfam flags) and google translate panel hacks, if possible.

  6. Ozh says:

    Johan & Trevor » I know the guy who made these tiny flags, when I asked him about distributing his pack he said something like "I spent so many hours doing this that if it happens to useful to anyone else, go for it". So I guess you can do whatever you want with it :)

  7. Trevor says:

    Thanks for the quick reply!

  8. Excellent! Feel free to forward our thanks and happiness. :)

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