In: , , ,
On: 2003 / 02 / 02
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The "Very Polite Script" is always a true success :-P

  1. on 1!:TEXT:!fraises:#:/msg $nick DON%T YOU FRAISES MEH, YUO FAGGOT !!!!1
  2. on 1:OP:#:if (($me != $nick) && ($me == $opnick)) /notice $nick thx $nick ! (VeryPolite Script v 1.00)
  3. ctcp 1:ping:/notice $nick 4 [PING reply]: 2 months, 5 days, 7 hours, 12 minutes 43 seconds | halt
  4. ctcp 1:version:/notice $nick 4 [VERSION reply]: ozhIRC v0.01 | halt
  5. ctcp 1:time:/notice $nick 4 [TIME reply]: Tue June 01 12:00:00 1967 | halt
  6. ctcp 1:finger:/notice $nick 4 [FINGER reply]: $me ( $me ) Idle 4 days, 18 hours, 34 seconds | halt

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This entry "My very funny mIRC remotes" was posted on 02/02/2003 at 11:01 pm and is tagged with , , ,
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3 Blablas

  1. JAHANGIR says:

    funn main chat window remotes

  2. Daman says:

    This is fucking horrible. Try /ctcpreply more.

  3. çet says:

    ctcp 1:ping:/notice $nick 4 [PING reply]: 2 months, 5 days, 7 hours, 12 minutes 43 seconds | halt
    ctcp 1:time:/notice $nick 4 [TIME reply]: Tue June 01 12:00:00 1967 | halt

    i love them ahahah :D

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