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On: 2010 / 10 / 08
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Disclaimer: This one is more awesome than a Nintendo Sixty-FOOOOOOOOOOUR for Christmas. You will want to buy it. You will buy it.

The tshirt itself is pretty regular: black, a not too fancy "Let Your Dark Side Out" slogan across the chest. Nothing to scream for.
Let Your Dark Side Out

But then you sort of flip the shirt up onto your face and reveal its unique awesomeness in a BWAAAARRRH! BRAINS! moment.
Let Your Dark Side Out

I believe this tshirt was originally promo material for an episode of the Resident Evil video game series, but you can actually buy it from CapCom.

Reactions to this tshirt are usually mixed. Kids love it (either kids, or those who feel like they are a teenager trapped into a 35+ years old body), while random colleagues just mutter about how you're the new weirdo around.

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This entry "My Tshirt Is Scarier Than Your Tshirt" was posted on 08/10/2010 at 2:09 pm and is tagged with , ,
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5 Blablas

  1. You are my hero

  2. Tompoch says:

    Yes. A bit fatter than at that time, when Edhec was at 58, Port Street ;-). But a mere Y.E.S. for the shirt !!


  3. Jakob says:

    Hi Ozh, as you can see from my website, I'm also a t-shirt collector (and also live in France, unless I've moved after the last time I checked). How did you buy this t-shirt? I looked at the capcom site and shipping is just ridiculously expensive to France, and they don't seem to have a European shop. But it would be quite nice in my collection.

    Well, nice to meet a fellow t-shirt geek!

  4. Ozh says:

    Jakob ยป Got it from the capcom site. Yep, shipping was particularly expensive, but well, too cool to pass :)

  5. Drew says:

    Love this shirt!!! I am a collector of wicked sweet shirts and this is one I am definitely getting if they still sell it. So Sweet!!!

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