In: ,
On: 2009 / 08 / 10
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Mostly thanks to a reminder from WP Tavern's Jeffro, I've done some much needed maintenance on Planet WordPress (if you don't know it, this is another "planet", just like the official WordPress › Planet, that I've been running for 4 years now) (if you don't know it, doh, dude, siriuzly, subscribe to it, it's wicked)


So, I've removed a bunch of dead / inactive / MIA blogs and feeds, and sent emails to a couple of other blogs asking permission to include them.

If you know, or run, an interesting site that talks about WordPress, pay the planet a visit and drop me a line if you think your site should be part of it!

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This entry "Watering the WordPress Planet" was posted on 10/08/2009 at 7:35 pm and is tagged with ,
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3 Blablas

  1. Ajay says:

    Hi Ozh,

    Do we have a list of all the blogs?

  2. Ozh says:

    Ajay ยป They're all listed in the sidebar of the planet (the main blog URL at least, sometimes the WP only URL is tricky to find, I shall improve this)

  3. mwaterous says:

    Maybe it's just me, but the feed seems to be broken. I went to subscribe over there and got a big ole blank RSS. The grey line is pretty though.

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