A call to nice readers: I'm looking for a registrar (just registrar, no hosting needed) which will let me completely manage my DNS, i.e. add custom DNS records (A, MX, CNAME, whatever) for an unlimited number of domains and subdomain. Which will also accept Paypal.
Does anyone reading this blog have such a registrar ?
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just a name xname.org, free real DNS stuff, excellent !
BB » zonedit.com too, but they are not registrar =]
Ca va les jumelles ?
Les jumelles sont en forme ouais =)
Moi j'enregistre chez gandi et je gere mes dns chez xname
You can use Gandi, they have an editor of dns zone, screeshots here:
Ze » thanks for the screenshots
normal quoi :)
bouhhh Gravatar fonctionne pas pour moi !
they have wonderfull DNS management, and are also registars.
BUGabundo » I used to manage some DNS with zonedit (and indeed they rock) a few years ago, and they were not registrar at this time as far as I can remember. And now, wow, they are?! Thanks for the info :)
Two more options: godaddy.com and mydomain.com
With the last one, you can manage domains registered with other registars