Two days ago, there was a nice surprise waiting for me in my inbox : a notice from Paypal telling me that someone had tipped a few bucks in, using my Paypal "Sponsor me I'm doing cool plugins" button (which appears only on plugin pages, if you want to try it:)
It's been the first donation I've had so far for any of my WordPress plugins, and I can tell you it feels like a warm pat on your shoulder. It definitely made my day :) Thanks you Amit !
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Hi! I'm wondering are you going to update the IP to Nation plugin to make it work with 2.0.2?
res » it is compatible with any version. Running 2.0.2 here.
I know it should be working fine, but for some strange reason it doesnt (I've been using your plugin since 1.5 and it worked just great but after I did the upgrade to 2.0.2 (from 2.0 – worked fine) it shows nothing after the "from /country here/* – empty space, but sometimes it says Cyprus even though it makes no sence), same with IP to Country, lots of people cant make it work with 2.0.2