In: , , , , ,
On: 2005 / 01 / 03
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Spam stats : I've had 1949 spam comments between 25 and 31 of December 2004, all killed by Spaminator. Happy new year to you too, spammers \o/

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This entry "Spam statistics" was posted on 03/01/2005 at 12:53 am and is tagged with , , , , ,
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2 Blablas

  1. Brian says:

    Comment spammers suck. Glad to hear you got your problem rectified. :]

  2. Quix0r says:

    Yeah, like guestbook-spam, too. It tooks only some months and my gallery's guestbook (LinPHA) was spammed with 600 entries. And I have never registered it with Google. The reason: No captha. So I have inserted one and sim-sala-bim!

    All v!@gr@ things are gone.

    If you are interested in my patch for it then contact me and I send you the link. :-)

    The same is with my guestbook (G-Book MX), tons of links within one comment and all got blocked out… Hehehe… I have also made a patch for this script.

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