In: , , , ,
On: 2004 / 08 / 23
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While waiting for my 2 year-old son's dinner to be ready, we were sitting together at my computer to watch a few pictures he likes. Then, wanting to see more, there we go for some image googling. What do you think a 2 years old boy wants to see ? Cars, trailers, trucks, bikes, animals, teddy bears. What do you think Google showed us ? Porn, porn and pr0n ! Have a (warned) look at these : nounours (teddy bear in French), velo (bicycle) or singe (monkey).

To be honest, I was more amused than shocked : Oscar is too young (at least I hope he is) to notice nasty details on a thumbnail page that I scroll fast when I see unwanted things on it. But what when he is 5 or 6 years old, on his own computer ? God, this internet is such a jungle … :)

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This entry "Porn everywhere" was posted on 23/08/2004 at 11:47 am and is tagged with , , , ,
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7 Blablas

  1. dju` says:


    en effet, soleil, ours, ballon, pompier, chien, chat, tigre, baleine… la liste est longue :/ (oublier chatte).

  2. Ozh says:

    erf :)

  3. rail-flex says:

    Ozh, pour divertir ton fils et l'exercer à la manip' du mulot en vue d'en faire un joueur de Quake VI, essaye donc, il retrouvera ses copaings de la télé et te piquera le PC.

    Quoique 2 ans, ça reste encore un peu jeune …

  4. Sadish says:

    There should be a small link at the top of the, saying 'Moderate SafeSearch is on/Off' at the top.
    Remember to change it and you wont see any porn.

  5. Ozh says:

    Actually, sometimes I see it, sometimes I dont. Just weird :)

  6. joy says:

    put your safe search preferences on…… DUH!

  7. Phil says:

    @joy that did not exsist in 2004, did you even read from when this post was?

    Poor kid should be 7 by now and have hie own ordinateur :)

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