In: , ,
On: 2004 / 08 / 24
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By the way … I still have a couple of Gmail invites and just couldn't find any friend that hasn't got a Gmail account already. If you want one, leave a comment (name, email) and be happy.

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This entry "Last Gmail invite" was posted on 24/08/2004 at 12:01 am and is tagged with , ,
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33 Blablas

  1. fatal says:

    thanks for invite dude!!

  2. peter_wei1999 says:

    thank you, got your invitation

  3. wil says:

    please send me a gmail invite

  4. Ozh says:

    All mine are here at the moment :
    When they're all gone, I'll have more :)

  5. AKshar says:

    one id is all i want
    ill do wateva u want

  6. Ozh says:

    none at the moment. I'll probably post when I have more.

  7. Harry says:

    Si tu avais une invitation, je t'en serais reconnaissant.
    Harry C.

  8. Guilherme L. S. says:

    Plis invite one convite =(( i' am braziliam =))) and not have one account gmail!!!

  9. Vincent says:

    Hello… I want a GMail invite.


  10. Ozh says:

    Done, check your inbox (beware on Hotmail it may be archived in your Spam folder)

  11. Luo says:

    please send me one too…

  12. Luo says:

    thanks for link, I owe you :)

  13. 80n says:

    well… I may come up late, but… if you have one more left, I'd be glad to take it … thanx

  14. 80n says:

    YESSSS!!!! Halleluia! Thank you very much for the link!

  15. n-zo says:

    Et si on le demande en français, on l'a aussi le compte Gmail? Merci de proposer c'est très gentil en tout cas.

  16. n-zo says:

    Merci beaucoup, il est bien ce garçon. :oF

  17. rok says:

    hi ozh! je voudrais volontier une adresse gmail stoplé!! :p
    Merci beaucoup!
    jretourne sur mes recherches de vélo … gooogle!

  18. rok says:

    Just asked, just done!
    Je vais pouvoir maintenant faire du commerce de vidz porn sans problème de stockage. :p

  19. TA says:

    Thanks for the invite!

  20. Ken says:

    Thank you so much for the invite!

  21. Mads Jensen says:

    Thanks for the invitation :-)

  22. Sam Parsons says:

    Thanks so much! I appreciate your goodwill!

  23. unsycophanta says:

    I appreciate your generosity and kindness very much. Thank you.

  24. lhikin says:


  25. devilzz says:

    thanks a lot ure nice

  26. Sirvivor says:

    much appreciated…thanks very much

  27. herban says:

    thanks for the invite!!!

  28. Ragna says:

    Got it, thanks, you're very cool!

  29. deskboy says:

    hope i'm not late. thanks

  30. deskboy says:

    got it thanks alot !

  31. Ryan says:

    if anyone has a spare gmail invite plaese contact me as soon as possable

  32. Ken Yi says:

    I need one invite please

  33. Prashanth R says:

    I need Gmail ID please….
    Please kindly donate for me….

    Looking forward for Gmail from your side…..

    Thank you friend….

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