On: 2008/04/21
Shorter URL for this page: http://ozh.in/kp

Having 50+ plugins in your Plugin Management page doesn't make things fast when you want to find a particular plugin to de/activate or edit it, or when you want to quickly find the ones that are outdated and need an update.


Better Plugin Page brings simple yet valuable enhancement to your Plugins page:

Tiny icons (from famfamfam of course) to emphasize plugin status and quick action links. Less clutter, more information.

Quick filters to find more easily the plugin you're looking for. Want to deactivate one? Start by hiding all the active plugins. Want to update them? Hide those that are up to date (simple filtering system, you'll get unexpected results if you try to combine filters)

Sliding mini list of all your plugins if scrolling all the way down is too tiring for your abused finger.


Want to play with it to make sure you will need it ? Try the demo!


Download the plugin :
ozh-better-plugin-page.zip (current version: 1.0)
Extract and upload to your blog, preserving directory structure if any.


My wife is proud of me when someone links to me on their blog, so if you like (or hate!) this plugin, please write about it :)

Shorter URL

Want to share or tweet this page? Please use this short URL: http://ozh.in/kp


This page "WordPress Better Plugin Page" was posted on 21/04/2008 at 11:25 pm
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61 Blablas

  1. […] Ozh' Better Plugin Page: Adds a little sliding plugin list and buttons to toggle display of Active/Inactive/Out-of-date plugins to the "Manage Plugins" page. […]

  2. Would love to be able to use this, but for some reason it doesn't show up in my plug-in list. And when I try to install it again, I get a message that it's already installed.

    BTW, I love your admin drop down menu. Keep up the good work.

    Thanks, TheGrouchyMan

  3. Martin says:

    For some reason only a few icons appear (Details and Upgrade), but none of the other. The visual apperance of the plugin does not seem to match the "demo". Have I missed something? Plugin version 1.4.2; WordPress 2.8.6.

  4. Allen R says:

    thank you for this great plugin. It is part of of my must-have-set.

    Additionally I would like to localize/translate the text strings.
    I found some in plugin.js but I would like to access in order to complete the task.

    I would be grateful for pointer on where to look.

  5. Ian says:

    any chance on updating it for the latest wp version? small icons are not showing up at all im only getting the top header bar above plugin list

  6. Ozh says:

    Ian » Will try to update it when WP 3.0 is out

  7. Ken Dawes says:

    Is updating this plugin for WP 3.1 in the queue?


  8. Ozh says:

    Ken Dawes » yeah I shall give this a look soon

  9. Michael says:

    I soooo want a plugin called "Piquant Lemming" … until that comes out I guess I'll have to use this one – whih looks really good! :-)

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