On: 2013/02/07
Shorter URL for this page: http://ozh.in/vx

migrate weeeeeeee

Google Issues to Github is a script to migrate Issues from a Google Code project to a Github project.

What it does

It will create a simple "shadow issue" in Github to mirror the original issue, containing the original description and pointing to the original issue on Google. It will not migrate comments and attachments.

The idea is to have an exact replica in Github of what you have in Google (ie issue #43 in Google will be issue #43 on Github) so when you migrate you don't lose history and can still bark at users about not searching in resolved issues before filing new ones :)

Example: this Github project has all the issues of this Google project.


  • It's written in PHP, customizable to make it work your way, commented enough to allow further hacking if needed
  • It's a command line script. Run it in your shell, not in your browser.
  • It handles deleted issues: if issue #43 is not found on Google, it will create a dummy issue on Github, to keep issue numbers in sync
  • It's conservative and easy on the server: if an API requests fails (network hiccup, server load…), the script waits then retries XX times, where XX is configurable.
  • It's super cool.

Download, Documentation, FAQ

It's all on Github: Google Issues to Github.

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This page "Google Issues To Github : a Migration Script in PHP" was posted on 07/02/2013 at 5:23 pm
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