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On: 2009 / 08 / 18
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Packt Publishing is running their third annual Open Source CMS Award. Last year, Drupal was #1 and Joomla was #2. Two years ago, Drupal was #1 and Joomla was #2. See a pattern here? No more! :)

CMS Award

Vote for WordPress! You can nominate WordPress Best Overall Open Source CMS or Best Open Source PHP CMS (or both, obviously). Note that nominating might win you an iPod nano, so proceed with care.

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This entry "2009 Open Source CMS Award: Nominate WordPress!" was posted on 18/08/2009 at 5:55 pm and is tagged with , , ,
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5 Blablas

  1. […] recently read on Ozh's blog that WordPress is up for a nomination in the PacktPub 2009 Open Source CMS Award. The list of […]

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