In: , , , ,
On: 2007 / 09 / 08
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Anyone can notify about bugs in WordPress using Trac, where also anyone can submit patches to fix them. When someone actually submits a patch which is later on approved by head developers and included in WordPress' core, the changelog contains a tiny credit to them: "props Joti" for example (props meaning something like thanks, yeepee, kudos, or respect).

Do you know the people, or more likely some of the people, who helped in making your blogware and beloved WordPress more reliable, more usable, more bloggable? I thought it would be nice giving some props to these fine WordPress bug fixers, so I went for some digging and made up the WordPress Bug Fixers Heat Map (aka Cloud)

WordPress Bug Fixers Cloud

Method: fetch, parse, cloudify.

Disclaimer: Stats are often meaningless and deceiving. The above cloud is in no way representative of anything, and of submitters' quality above all. Your name may or may not appear. My warm thank you to all of the bug submitters.

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This entry "WordPress Bug Fixers Heat Map" was posted on 08/09/2007 at 9:02 pm and is tagged with , , , ,
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15 Blablas

  1. […] WordPress Bug Fixers Heat Map. Neat! « Self Importance Test Comment » […]

  2. Viper007Bond says:

    Woot at my nick size! :D

  3. Nazgul says:

    Impressive! (Both the cloud and the size of my nick ;) )

  4. […] a eu la bonne idée de faire un "contributeur cloud" afin de voir qui participe le plus au développement de […]

  5. johnbillion says:

    Great visualisation Ozh! It's a close call between Nazgul and mdawaffe.

  6. Lloyd Budd says:

    Very cool!

    You have a bug somewhere I think because foolswisdom is so small ;-) Smaller for example than Erik Barzeski, who is a fantastic contributer, but I submitting trivial patches to game your system!

    Seriously, though this is good fun. And one lens to apply to see a small slice of hundreds of thousands of people that contribute to WordPress in significant ways!

  7. […] WordPress Bug Fixers Heat Map | planetOzh More of a tag cloud than a heat map, but this is neat. (tags: wordpress) […]

  8. […] It Takes a Village Ozh of Planet Ozh has created the WordPress Bug Fixers Heat Map, a tag cloud of the volunteers and staff of Automattic who dedicate so much of their time and […]

  9. Jeremy says:

    Sometimes, the devs used different commit messages than "props", like "thanks" or "hat tip". Did you count those?

  10. Demi Fantasy says:

    Thank you very much staffs and volunteers, you all simplified my blogging life with the great WordPress!

  11. […] that each staff and volunteer (only a few of them are being paid) in this list below. Thank you Ozh for the cloud, and no matter how big you are, I also want to say […]

  12. […] heeft gebracht hoeveel props iedereen heeft ontvangen en dat heeft weergegeven in een zogenaamde props cloud. Des te groter de tekst, des te meer […]

  13. […] it out: Share and Enjoy: These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and […]

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