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On: 2006 / 03 / 09
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I have a new face (get your mouse over me) (this post is not feed reader friendly, sorry :). I'm not completely used to it yet, the previous one lasted 10 years :)

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This entry "New Face" was posted on 09/03/2006 at 2:24 am and is tagged with ,
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8 Blablas

  1. KickMe says:

    Eh mais tu t'es coupé les cheveux !

    update ffs :)

  2. Ozh says:

    Ouais mais bon, ça, ça m'arrive plus souvent que tous les 10 ans :P
    Pis la photo, boarf, c'est juste une expérience foireuse avec Google et les recherches d'images. FFS, y'a même une photo de zguegue avant ma tronche.

  3. Works fine in NetNewsWire.
    Those pictures were taken around the same time, right. The "old" picture isn't actually 10 years old, right?

  4. Ozh says:

    Adam » of course not :) The glasses are ten years old, the two pictures are from the same minute or so

  5. BB2k says:

    t'aurais pas pris un peu de poids ? :P

  6. armouf says:

    haha tu ressembles à julien courbet avec tes nouvelles lunettes :))

    et clairement tu gonfles comme dit bb2k

  7. Ozh says:

    Du poids ? :)
    Du muscle.

  8. Sarit says:

    Nicce =)
    Square galsses are cool.

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