$this_script = "/yourclan/l33t/webrcon.php"; * If you don't know about $_PHP['SELF'], upload a blank page with the following line, and check it out in your browser * */ $this_script = $_PHP['SELF']; /* Do you want the player datas (ip, nick, score) to be sortable ? * This is r0x0r javascript high lvl pv me, but may work only with MSIE .. :) * Set to 1 to use, set to 0 to display regular tables */ $javascript = 1; /* Define your servers. * * "ip" and "port" : well, pretty obvious. Mandatory. * "pass" : the g_password needed for players to join the server, if any. Optional. * "rcon" : the rconpassword for admin commands. Mandatory. * "cfg" : optional custom config files for each servers. * Can be a list (array of cfg), a single cfg, or nothing * "cfg" => array ("league.cfg", "ctf.cfg", "tdm.cfg") * "cfg" => "justone.cfg" * "cfg" => "" */ $servers = array ( "w00t" => array ( "ip" => "", "port" => 27960 , "pass" => "w00t", "rcon" => "l33t", "cfg" => array ("sarl.cfg", "ctf.cfg", "test.cfg") ), "server2" => array ( "ip" => "", "port" => 27960 , "pass" => "kikoo", "rcon" => "faggot", "cfg" => "server.cfg" ), "server3" => array ( "ip" => "", "pass" => "ctb", "port" => 27961 , "rcon" => "gnigni", ), ); /* Define your default RCON Commands : * enclosed by quotes, separated by a comma, between parenthesis, with a trailing semicolon. Ok ? :) */ $rcon_buttons = array ( "say tg n00b", "kick all", "kick allbot", "map_restart", "listip", "g_gravity 10", "g_gravity 800" ); /* Define your CSS style between the line << body { BackGround : black; Left : 0px; Top : 0px; Margin-Left : 20px; Margin-Right : 20px; Margin-Top : 0px; Margin-Bottom : 0px; Font-Family : Verdana, Arial; font-size: 10pt; Color : #A0A0A0; } .titrepage{ font-Family : Verdana, Arial; font-size: 15pt; margin: 15; color: #A7A2E2; Font-Weight : bold; Text-Align : center; } td,p {Font-Family : Verdana, Arial; Margin : 10px; font-size: 9pt; Color : #B0B0C0; } #maintable, #maintable td { border:1px solid #252548; } #maintable td:hover { background: #101015; } #serverinfo, #serverinfo td { border:0px solid white; } #serverinfo td:hover, { color: white; background: #606090; } input, select { color : #303060; background: #A7A2E2; font: normal 11px Verdana, Arial; border-color : #A7A2E2; margin: 1px 1px 1px 1px ; } input:hover, select:hover { background: #909090; } .odd { background: #313337; } .even { } #status, #status th, #status td { whitespace: pre; text-align: left; font-weight: normal; font-size: 100%; border:0px solid white; } #playerdata tr.odd { background-color: #313337; } #playerdata td.sorted { background-color: #606090; } #playerdata th.sorted { background-color: #606090; } #playerdata tr.odd td.sorted { background-color: #303060; } #playerdata .player, #playerdata .ip { cursor:crosshair; } #playerdata tr:hover, #playerdata td:hover { color: white; background: #606090; } .status .player:hover { color: white; } .titre { font: bolder 12px Verdana, Arial; color: #9090D0; } a { font: bolder 12px Verdana, Arial; color: #9090D0; text-decoration: none; } a:hover { text-decoration: underline; } YOURCSS; /* * STOP EDITING. OK ? ******************************************************************************************************/ function droplist ($list = array()) { global $server, $this_script; print "
\n"; print "
\n"; } // This will take the server response and makes it in to readable key value pair function process($data = array()) { $haystack = explode("\n", $data, 3); $stack = explode('\\', $haystack[1]); for ($i = 1;$i <= count($stack);$i = $i + 2) { $list[@$stack[$i]] = @$stack[$i + 1]; } $list[] = @$haystack[2]; foreach ($list as $key => $dum) { if (empty($dum) || !isset($dum)) { unset($list[$key]); } } return $list; } //This will iterate thru each key value pair and prints a table. function outputData($list = array()) { global $ip,$port,$pass; echo "\n"; // $serv = stripcolors ($list['sv_hostname']); $serv = $list['sv_hostname']; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; ksort($list); foreach ($list as $key => $val) { if ($key != "0") { if ($class=="even") {$class="odd";} else {$class="even";} echo "\n"; } } echo "
\n"; } function status ($ip, $port, $timeout = 15) { $errno = $errstr = null; $cmd = "˙˙˙˙getstatus\n"; $f = fsockopen('udp://' . $ip, $port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout); if (!$f) die ("Unable to connect. Error $errno - $errstr\n"); socket_set_timeout ($f, 1, 0); fwrite ($f, $cmd); $data = ''; while ($d = fread ($f, 10000)) { $data .= $d; } fclose ($f); $data = stripcolors ($data); return $data; } function rcon ($ip, $port, $rcon_pass, $command) { $fp = fsockopen("udp://$ip",$port, $errno, $errstr, 2); socket_set_timeout($fp,2); if (!$fp) { echo "$errstr ($errno)
\n"; } else { $query = "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFrcon \"" . $rcon_pass . "\" " . $command; fwrite($fp,$query); } $data = ''; while ($d = fread ($fp, 10000)) { $data .= $d; } fclose ($fp); $data = preg_replace ("/....print\n/", "", $data); $data = stripcolors ($data); return $data; } function stripcolors ($quoi) { $result = $quoi; $result = preg_replace ("/\^x....../i", "", $result); // remove OSP's colors (^Xrrggbb) $result = preg_replace ("/\^./", "", $result); // remove Q3 colors (^2) or OSP control (^N, ^B etc..) $result = preg_replace ("/\n"; $index=0; foreach ($list as $elem) { if ($javascript) { print "$elem"; } else { print "$elem"; } $index++; } print "\n"; } function printrow ($list = array(), $class) { print "\n"; foreach ($list as $elem) { print "$elem"; } print "\n"; } function rconstatus ($ip, $port, $rcon_pass) { $result = rcon ($ip, $port, $rcon_pass, "status"); $result = explode ("\n", $result); # ok, let's deal with the following : # # map: q3wcp9 # num score ping name lastmsg address qport rate # --- ----- ---- --------------- ------- --------------------- ----- ----- # 1 19 33 l33t^n1ck 33 5294 25000 print "\n"; print "\n"; printheadrow (array("num", "score", "ping", "name", "lastmsg", "address", "qport", "rate")); print "\n"; print "\n"; array_shift($result); // 1st line : map q3wcp9 array_shift($result); // 2nd line : col headers array_shift($result); // 3rd line : -- ------ ---- array_pop($result); array_pop($result); // two empty lines at the end, go figure. foreach ($result as $line) { if ($class=="odd") {$class = "even";} else {$class = "odd";} $player = $line; preg_match_all("/^\s*(\d+)\s*(\d+)\s*(\d+)(.*?)(\d*)\s*(\S*)\s*(\d*)\s*(\d*)\s*$/", $player, $out); // weeeeeeeeee \o/ $num = $out[1][0]; $score = $out[2][0]; $ping = $out[3][0]; $name = trim($out[4][0]); $name = "$name"; $lastmsg = $out[5][0]; $address = $out[6][0]; if ($address != 'bot') { $addressip = preg_replace ("/:.*$/", "", $address); $address = "$address"; } $qport = $out[7][0]; $rate = $out[8][0]; printrow (array ($num, $score, $ping, $name, $lastmsg, $address, $qport, $rate), $class); } print "\n
\n"; } function theterriblejavascript () { // found here : http://www.brainjar.com/dhtml/tablesort/ print <<// 0) { minIdx = j; minVal = testVal; } } // By now, we have the row with the smallest value. Remove it from the // table and insert it before the current row. if (minIdx > i) { tmpEl = tblEl.removeChild(tblEl.rows[minIdx]); tblEl.insertBefore(tmpEl, tblEl.rows[i]); } } // Restore the table's display style. tblEl.style.display = oldDsply; // Make it look pretty. makePretty(tblEl, col); return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Functions to get and compare values during a sort. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This code is necessary for browsers that don't reflect the DOM constants // (like IE). if (document.ELEMENT_NODE == null) { document.ELEMENT_NODE = 1; document.TEXT_NODE = 3; } function getTextValue(el) { var i; var s; // Find and concatenate the values of all text nodes contained within the // element. s = ""; for (i = 0; i < el.childNodes.length; i++) if (el.childNodes[i].nodeType == document.TEXT_NODE) s += el.childNodes[i].nodeValue; else if (el.childNodes[i].nodeType == document.ELEMENT_NODE && el.childNodes[i].tagName == "BR") s += " "; else // Use recursion to get text within sub-elements. s += getTextValue(el.childNodes[i]); return normalizeString(s); } function compareValues(v1, v2) { var f1, f2; // If the values are numeric, convert them to floats. f1 = parseFloat(v1); f2 = parseFloat(v2); if (!isNaN(f1) && !isNaN(f2)) { v1 = f1; v2 = f2; } // Compare the two values. if (v1 == v2) return 0; if (v1 > v2) return 1 return -1; } // Regular expressions for normalizing white space. var whtSpEnds = new RegExp("^\\s*|\\s*$", "g"); var whtSpMult = new RegExp("\\s\\s+", "g"); function normalizeString(s) { s = s.replace(whtSpMult, " "); // Collapse any multiple whites space. s = s.replace(whtSpEnds, ""); // Remove leading or trailing white space. return s; } // Style class names. var rowClsNm = "odd"; var colClsNm = "sorted"; // Regular expressions for setting class names. var rowTest = new RegExp(rowClsNm, "gi"); var colTest = new RegExp(colClsNm, "gi"); function makePretty(tblEl, col) { var i, j; var rowEl, cellEl; // Set style classes on each row to alternate their appearance. for (i = 0; i < tblEl.rows.length; i++) { rowEl = tblEl.rows[i]; rowEl.className = rowEl.className.replace(rowTest, ""); if (i % 2 != 0) rowEl.className += " " + rowClsNm; rowEl.className = normalizeString(rowEl.className); // Set style classes on each column (other than the name column) to // highlight the one that was sorted. for (j = 0; j < tblEl.rows[i].cells.length; j++) { cellEl = rowEl.cells[j]; cellEl.className = cellEl.className.replace(colTest, ""); if (j == col) cellEl.className += " " + colClsNm; cellEl.className = normalizeString(cellEl.className); } } // Find the table header and highlight the column that was sorted. var el = tblEl.parentNode.tHead; rowEl = el.rows[el.rows.length - 1]; // Set style classes for each column as above. for (i = 0; i < rowEl.cells.length; i++) { cellEl = rowEl.cells[i]; cellEl.className = cellEl.className.replace(colTest, ""); // Highlight the header of the sorted column. if (i == col) cellEl.className += " " + colClsNm; cellEl.className = normalizeString(cellEl.className); } } //]]> JAVASCRIPT; } // let's c'est parti go print "\n"; print "\n"; print "Q3 WebRCON\n"; print $yourcss; if ($javascript) theterriblejavascript(); print "\n"; print "

"; print "\n"; print ""; if ($server) { $ip = $servers[$server]['ip']; $port = $servers[$server]['port']; $pass = $servers[$server]['pass']; $rcon = $servers[$server]['rcon']; $cfg = $servers[$server]['cfg']; print "\n"; } print "
"; print "Quake3 WebRCON\n"; print ""; droplist($servers) ; print "
\n"; print "/exec cfg :
\n"; print "
\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; if ($action=='chgcfg') { $lastcmd = "exec $config"; $lastresult = rcon ($ip, $port, $rcon, "exec $config"); } if ($action=='rcon') { if (preg_match("/^kick /i", $rcon_cmd)) { $rcon_cmd=preg_replace("/^kick /", "kick \"", $rcon_cmd) . "\""; } else { //$rcon_cmd="non"; } $lastcmd = $rcon_cmd; $lastresult = rcon ($ip, $port, $rcon, $rcon_cmd); } if (is_array($cfg)) { foreach ($cfg as $config) { print "

\n"; } } else { if ($cfg) { print "

\n"; } else { print "

No .cfg

"; } } print "
\n"; print "
\n"; $data = status($ip,$port,10); $list = process($data); outputData($list); print "\n"; //$result = rcon ($ip, $port, $rcon, "status"); print "/rcon status :

\n"; rconstatus ($ip, $port, $rcon); //print "
"; print "
\n"; if ($lastcmd) { print "/rcon $lastcmd :

\n"; echo "
\n"; } print "
\n"; print "


\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; foreach ($rcon_buttons as $button) { print " "; } print "
\n"; print "\n
\n"; print ""; print "

"; print ""; ?>