'Option Title ## optionnal explanations', * 'option_variable' => 'Option Title {radio|value1|Text1|value2|Text2} ## optionnal explanations', * 'option_variable' => 'Option Title {textarea|rows|cols} ## optionnal explanations', * 'option_variable' => 'Option Title {checkbox|option_varname1|value1|Text1|option_varname2|value2|Text2} ## optionnal explanations', * Examples : * 'your_age' => 'Your Age', * 'cc_number' => 'Credit Card Number ## I can swear I will not misuse it :P', * 'gender' => 'Gender {radio|girl|You are a female|boy|You are a male} ## What is your gender ?' * Dont forget the comma at the end of each line ! */ 'setting1' => 'Setting One ## This is setting one.', 'setting2' => 'Stuff {textarea|6|50} ## Enter some text', 'setting3' => 'Choice {radio|choice1|Choice One|choice2|Choice Two} ## Chose one.', 'setting4' => 'Multiple choice {checkbox|mc1|happy|Are you Happy ?|mc2|human|Are you Human ?} ## Chose any', 'debug' => 'debug', /* this is a fake entry that will activate the "Programmer's Corner" * showing you vars and values while you build your theme. Remove it * when your theme is ready for shipping */ ), __FILE__ /* Parent. DO NOT MODIFY THIS LINE ! * This is used to check which file (and thus theme) is calling * the function (useful when another theme with a Theme Toolkit * was installed before */ ); /************************************************************************************ * THEME AUTHOR : Congratulations ! The hard work is all done now :) * * From now on, you can create functions for your theme that will use the array * of variables $mytheme->option. For example there will be now a variable * $mytheme->option['your_age'] with value as set by theme end-user in the admin menu. ************************************************************************************/ /*************************************** * Additionnal Features and Functions * * Create your own functions using the array * of user defined variables $mytheme->option. * **************************************/ function creditcard() { global $mytheme; print "My Credit Card Number is : "; print $mytheme->option['creditcard']; } ?>